NOTE: The actual meeting invitation will arrive by email Wednesday afternoon and members can click on the link included and then enter the password given in order to join the meeting.
IPNA May 20, 2020, Business Meeting Agenda
Welcome and Introduction of Newcomers
Minutes of March and April Meetings
Police Officers Reports: Kevin Curry, IPNA VP for Public Safety
Elected Officials Reports
Announcements and Committee Reports
Ro Lawson: Formation of new IPNA committee to foster diversity and inclusivity
Scott Evans: New Freedom Park Path Lighting
Jane Bradshaw and Sam Bailey, IPNA Festival Co-chairs: UN-Festival
Amy Higgins: Springvale Park Improvements
Al Caproni and Chris Curley: Little 5 Points Alliance
Neil Kinkopf:
NPU Committee - IPNA Response to proposed NPU ordinance changes
Nominating Committee -
Nominee for IPNA’s alternate Freedom Park Board Representative:
Jonathan Miller
Slate of Nominees for Upcoming Board Vacancies:
Regina Brewer - VP for Zoning
Amy Higgins - President
Kay Kirsche - Treasurer
Patrick Pontius - VP for Planning
IPNA Officers Reports
VP for Planning
VP for Zoning
Villa de Grip
IPNA’s Response to proposed deletion of the section of the R-5 zoning ordinance governing the “relationship of building to street.”
VP for Historic Preservation
VP for Public Safety
VP for Communications
New Advocator graphic designer
Presentation of Revised 2020 Budget
Additional Supporting Documents