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Inman Park Historic District

The neighborhood of Inman Park is part of the City of Atlanta’s Inman Park Historic District. To preserve the historic physical pattern, the architectural history, the historic diversity of housing in the district, and to ensure renovations, new development and construction are consistent with the characteristics of the district, the City of Atlanta created the regulations governing construction within the Inman Park Historic District. If you want to build new construction or renovate your current structure, below are some helpful links and guidelines.

Any work requiring a building permit might require a Certificate of Appropriateness from the City of Atlanta's Urban Design Commission. However, a Type I Certificate of Appropriateness, for ordinary repairs and maintenance, shall not be required in the Inman Park Historic District.

If you need a Type III Certificate of Appropriateness from the City of Atlanta's Urban Design Commission, it is strongly encouraged that you gain approval from your immediate neighbors by holding an Immediate Neighbors’ Meeting to discuss your plans. In addition, you are strongly encouraged to gain the approval of the IPNA membership by attending an IPNA regular meeting to discuss your plans. The Urban Design Commission will look at the support from the neighborhood as a factor in whether it approves your application. Elements of construction requiring a Type III Certificate of Appropriateness are located in the Design Guidelines and Ordinance links below.

You can contact the Vice President of Historic Preservation to help coordinate the meetings and process outlined above at [email protected]


Steps to having an Immediate Neighbors Meeting