The GutterSlopes

Inman Park’s Gang Of Three (a.k.a.) The GutterSlopes


One facet of IP’s Lifelong Committee’s Sidewalk Subcommittee undertaking includes surveying all our neighborhood’s sidewalk ramps – or lack thereof. This is being done in conjunction with a Georgia Tech Sidewalk study and utilizes GT’s expertise and equipment. It’s a significant undertaking that may take several months to complete, as there are many ramps or potential ramp sites to be surveyed.

Your neighbors Melissa Miller, Sandy Hoke and Marge Hays, sporting safety vests and toting measuring devices, have begun congregating at various corners for this purpose. Based on one of the measurements to be taken, we have dubbed ourselves The GutterSlopes. We measure up and we’re on the level!

What can you do? Actively Participate!

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Proposed Revisions to IPNA By-Laws

Summary of Proposed Revisions to IPNA By-Laws

 This is the first proposed set of revisions to IPNA’s By-Laws in several years. It is offered in support of IPNA’s expanded website and membership management capabilities, and in recognition of the fact that our lifestyles have all been impacted by the Internet.

The highlights of the revisions are as follows:

The revised By-Laws begin with provisions customary to those of well-organized non-profit organizations by referencing the Georgia Non-profit Code, which prevail in instances of conflict. The name of the organization and the boundaries of the neighborhood are delineated. The latter now ties to City of Atlanta maps, and replaces mention of the Southern Railroad Line with “Atlanta Beltline/historic rail bed”.

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Walk the Walk

Walking the Walk

By Dennis Mobley    [email protected]

At the February meeting of the Inman Park Neighborhood Association (IPNA), we experienced not one but two examples of how we all might better “walk the walk”.

Our first example was an outgrowth of the remarks made and questions answered by Atlanta’s exciting new Planning Commissioner, Tim Keane. Of course the tenor of many attendees’ comments and questions were regarding traffic and pedestrian safety. (After all, it WAS an Inman Park meeting). In response, Tim (as he likes to be called) made a confession. He does not own a car. He also in effect issued a challenge: He cited statistics that calculate the average number of car-trips made per day by suburban households: Twelve (12). Further, he revealed the corresponding average for America’s truly great, urban, walkable cities is seven (7). He said that here in Atlanta we will not thrive as a genuinely great urban city if we simply “out-suburb the suburbs”.

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President’s Welcome


This is the very first web log (aka “blog”) that I, Dennis Mobley, have written in my year-and-a-half as Inman Park Neighborhood Association (IPNA) President. I thought it fitting that I write something to acknowledge the debut of our new MemberClicks®-powered website. So WELCOME TO OUR NEW WORLD!

What is significant about this new infrastructure is that the shiny new web pages are the front end of a robust Membership Management platform that will make it easier for each of you to join, support and STAY JOINED to IPNA!

Look out for our email!

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