Beltline Presentation from IPNA Meeting

I have attached the presentation from this evening as well as a one page pdf of the previous future land use map. Both complete plans can be found at When you click on that link you will see the original plans. To provide feedback and see the draft plan updates, click on the green box that says “Provide Feedback”. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!


Nathan Soldat, AICP
Community Engagement Manager
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.
Office: 404.477.3552 // Fax: 404.477.3006 // [email protected] //

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New Tree Protection Ordinance Introduced


Yesterday, Atlanta City Council introduced legislation for a new Tree Protection Ordinance. It was referred to the Community Development and Human Services Committee for their next session on January 26, 2021. We have published the legislation, a summary of the revisions, and process diagrams on our Tree Protection Ordinance. In addition, there was accompanying legislation for a Zoning amendment which proposes setback variances for the purposes of tree preservation. We will also be sharing an interactive walk through of the ordinance and its components soon which we will send along when complete. Any feedback or questions you may have can be sent to the project team at [email protected].

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January 2021 IPNA Meeting Agenda

January 20, 2021 IPNA meeting Agenda:

Welcome/Introduction of newcomers

Police officers’ report

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Get Antibody testing, as well as donate blood to help save a life during these difficult times


David Shorter

Executive Director, L5PCC
404-522-2926 (O)
1083 Austin Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30307
***This email, including any attached files, may contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient.  Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure for use by others without the expressed written consent of Little Five Community Center, Inc. is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive information for the intended recipient), please contact the sender by reply e-mail***

December 2020 IPNA Meeting Agenda

December 16, 2020 IPNA meeting Agenda:

Welcome/Introduction of newcomers

Police officers’ report

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District 2 Newsletter

Please click Read More at bottom of page for full newsletter
What's New in 2?
Dear friends and neighbors,

I hope you're all having a great week and looking forward to a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. This month's newsletter provides an update on the City's efforts to address ongoing street racing and an exciting update on Downtown Decides projects which have begun breaking ground! Finally, it's been a busy month for socially-distanced site visits across District 2, some of which I highlight below. 

As always, my newsletter is just a snapshot of what our office is working on every day. To learn more, I invite you to follow me on Twitter.

Construction Underway!

Downtown Decides! Breaks Ground

As you know from past newsletters, we have been hard at work making sure that the 17 projects you voted for as part of the Downtown Decides! participatory budgeting initiative are completed in a timely manner. 

Last week, we were thrilled to unveil the first two completed builds: wheelchair accessible crossings at both Peachtree St and Williams St (pictured) as well as Ted Turner Dr. and Williams St.

These ideas were submitted by local resident Tony McCarthy, who had this to say when asked why he chose them:

"My wife and I love walking to stay active. Several years ago while taking my granddaughter for a walk in the stroller, I noticed several intersections that didn’t have ramps on the curbs and we were forced to pick up the stroller to cross the street. I immediately thought that this would be impossible for someone in a wheelchair. When Amir introduced “Downtown Decides” at an ADNA meeting, I decided to submit the idea. It’s refreshing to see the city solicit ideas from the community and then take quick action to make it easier for people with disabilities. This was a great program and I would really like to see programs like this continue. The people that live and work in the community can quickly tell you where improvements can be made."

Stay tuned for more updates as we concurrently strive to finish the other 15 builds. As always, a special thanks to both the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District as well as the city's Department of Transportation for being such great partners in this effort. 

Together we are working to deliver on our promise to you -- to show that you have a voice in government and that you can trust the city to follow through on its word. 


Street Racing Update

New Legislation Passes Council
Since I took office in January 2018, few challenges have been quite as frustrating as street racing. The issue is a persistent quality of life detriment and safety hazard. It has disrupted and endangered thousands of District 2 residents and many others across the city. I take this issue very seriously. Unfortunately, legislative solutions are not as readily at hand as we might like on Council. 

Yet, we are making every effort to bolster existing laws where possible. On November 2nd, we passed a bill, which says that if you are arrested for a street racing-related crime you can not immediately bond out of jail until you have gone before a judge, in no more than 48 hours of being booked into jail. This creates an additional deterrent complementing existing laws that prohibit reckless driving, laying drag, etc. 

Of course, no laws are useful unless they are enforced. I'm working weekly with APD and ATL DOT to improve enforcement and outcomes. 

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Freedom Park Design Concepts Slide for IP

To prepare for the IPNA meeting discussion on Freedom Park Design Concepts please see Concepts Slides.

November Meeting Agenda, Wednesday, Nov 18

November 18, 2020 IPNA meeting Agenda:

Welcome/Introduction of newcomers

Minutes of last meeting

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Upcoming Lifelong Inman Park Information Sessions

October 2020 IPNA Meeting Agenda

October 21, 2020 IPNA meeting Agenda:

Welcome/Introduction of newcomers

Police officers’ report

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2021 Proposed IPNA Budget- revised

The budget proposed at the September IPNA meeting included an asterisk in the Little 5 Points mini-precinct row and $5000 in the IPNA Board discretionary grant row. As you see in the September minutes, there was some debate about whether or not to contribute to the mini-precinct this year in light of our lack of Festival and questions about the mini-precincts overall effectiveness. The conclusion reached at the meeting was that the Board would consider allocating the $5000 discretionary grant to the mini-precinct after meeting with Al Caproni and Chris Curley from the Little 5 Points Alliance and Richard Shapiro from the Business Association. Our goal was to gather more information about how the money was being used, who else was contributing and in what amount, and what the relationship is between the Little 5 Points Alliance and the Little 5 Points mini-precinct before making a decision. After speaking with Al, Chris, and Richard, the Board agreed at our meeting last week to dedicate the $5000 discretionary grant to the mini-precinct with the condition that we (IPNA) meet with CPNO, the L5P Alliance, and the L5P Business Association to set quantifiable goals for cost-sharing and fundraising and we that make progress on those goals over the coming year. 

Please review the final budget.

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2021 Proposed IPNA Budget


City of Atlanta Pre-Arrest Diversion Program

The City of Atlanta is revising it's pre-arrest diversion program and contemplating ways it can set up a system through 311 that could deploy resources/counselors/trained interventions to individuals who are more likely be experiencing a mental health situation or suffering from effects of poverty or addiction. There is a survey that anyone who lives or works in Atlanta is invited to fill out. 

 Pre-arrest Diversion INFO:

In June, Atlanta City Council unanimously approved a substantial funding increase, which will allow PAD (Pre-Arrest Diversion) to expand citywide over the course of this fiscal year. Mayor Bottoms' recent Administrative Orders direct the city to establish a multi-year agreement with PAD, as well as to develop a plan to train all Atlanta Police Department officers to use diversion as an alternative to arrest. When an officer has already detained a person and can call our team instead, we provide an immediate alternative to charging and booking that individual through PAD LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion)

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The State of COVID Collaboration

ARCHI is hosting a conversation with the heads of DeKalb and Fulton Boards of Health on Oct 7th-- they are giving a bit of a State of COVID address- what's working right now, what they need help with (especially targeted to community groups) and what they are worried about regarding upcoming winter and flu season. Anyone in the neighborhood would also be very welcome to join if they are interested in hearing from these women and if they have questions about what might lie ahead. Info is here: The State of COVID-19 in Atlanta - ARCHI Collaborative

Inman Park Little Pumpkin Parade

Inman Park Little Pumpkin Parade - A Family-Friendly Halloween Celebration

Celebrate Halloween by joining Inman Park’s Little Pumpkin Parade on October 31st at 6:00.  Our parade will be socially-distanced with families separated by six feet or more.  Our neighborhood Target at Edgewood has generously donated pre-filled candy pails that will be available at the end of the parade route as a safe alternative to Trick or Treating!  

Participants: Inman Park families with children up to 13 years old are invited to join the parade.  Since participation is limited, participants must RSVP by filling out the form: Priority will be given to Inman Park families. 

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Trees Atlanta Plantlanta and Tree Sale



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Tuesday Tip: Special Election on September 29

The special election on Sept. 29 is confusing, right? Seems like a lot of work to elect someone to serve out the remaining months of our beloved Congressman John Lewis’s term. The person we elect will represent the 5th Congressional District only through Jan. 2021, but some heavy decisions may be made in Congress during those 98 days. 

Here is a Sample Ballot for the Sept. 29 election, and here is a link to the candidates  who are on the ballot, along with their various platforms.

If no candidate receives 50% of the vote, there will be a run-off election on Dec. 1st, in which case the winner will serve a congressional term of 33 days.

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September 2020 IPNA Meeting Agenda

September 16, 2020 IPNA meeting Agenda:


Welcome/Introduction of newcomers

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Lifelong Inman Park Information Session

Lifelong Inman Park Zoom  Information Session. TALK SAVES LIVES - September 18 at 10:30AM

An Introduction to Suicide Prevention to cover what we know about this leading cause of death, the most up-to-date research on prevention, and what we can all do to fight suicide.  Participants will learn the common risk factors, how to spot the warning signs in others, and how to keep ourselves, our loved ones and those in our community safe.

Presented by Taylor Chambers, MPH

Associate Area Director for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

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Food Drive for our Neighbors in Need

Hi Inman Park! Please consider donating any of the items below to the local Food Pantry. Your donations go to members of our community experiencing food insecurity - both the homeless and hungry. The need is incredible currently and every little bit helps!
  • Canned meat including tuna, chicken, spam, and Vienna sausage 
  • Chunky soups especially those w pop-top lids 
  • Canned vegetables including spinach, green beans, beets and corn, carrots 
  • Rice or Pasta / noodles 
  • Canned or dried fruits 
  • Cereal, Peanut butter, granola bars or other shelf stable items
More info about the organization and an up-to-date list of greatest needs is here:
Drop your donations off any time to 889 Edgewood Ave. We have a box on our front porch. Donations will be delivered weekly to ICM Food Pantry thru September. Thank you!