Merry Market


Inman Park United Methodist Church is excited to host its very first Merry Artists Market!

We will be featuring local artists with an assortment of crafts, jewelry, ceramics, and edible treats that will be perfect for Christmas gifts. We will have a kid zone so kids can stay busy creating fun Christmas crafts while the parents can relax and shop at the market. 

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Lifelong Inman Park Plan Workshop

Lifelong Inman Park Plan
September 29, Thursday  7:00 p.m. Trolley Barn

Inman Park neighbors are invited to a workshop to help design our Lifelong Inman Park Plan.

The workshop will be conducted by TSW Planners and the Lifelong Inman Park committee. Councilman Kwanza Hall, with support from IPNA, engaged TSW to develop an action plan to make Lifelong Inman Park a reality.

This event moves Inman Park toward realizing the lifelong community we all desire, a community where neighbors all ages can continue to enjoy active, healthy and productive lives. Your participation is important for our success.

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Boost Your Business

Boost Your Business and Mary Lin’s Rockets!
Supporting the Mary Lin School Partner Program

Do you own a small business that could benefit from increased exposure to the residents of Inman Park and our surrounding neighborhoods? Do you also believe an excellent public school is KEY to a thriving community? If so, the Mary Lin School Partner Program is a WIN-WIN for your business!

Mary Lin Elementary is a public elementary school serving the Inman Park, Candler Park, Little 5 Points and Lake Claire neighborhoods. We have 475+ families with nearly 650 students and 70 staff members. Becoming a school partner gives your business year-round exposure to a large and diverse community that has a great record of supporting local businesses.

The Mary Lin Education Foundation (MLEF) is collaborating with the Mary Lin PTA on the Partner Program so that we make only one ask annually of our local businesses. Both the PTA and the MLEF benefit from this important source of funding (a 50/50 split), and 100% of the funds raised go toward our shared goal to ignite every Mary Lin student’s imagination and intellect to its fullest potential.

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Supporting the Grady Cluster Schools

Supporting the Grady Cluster Schools
By the Inman Park Education Committee

Incredible things are happening in the schools that are part of the Grady Cluster. Inman Park children attend Mary Lin ES, Samuel Inman Middle, and Grady High and more than ever, these schools are offering outstanding education opportunities both inside and outside the classrooms. These programs often require community support and the education committee hopes that IPNA will agree with the funding requests we have made for fiscal year 2016-17. Our schools are one of the best reasons to live in Inman Park and the school's continued success means the success of all the children.

At Mary Lin, the new addition and renovation completed last year relieved the overcrowding and gave the students and teachers some much needed space. The front of the school (where the teachers and staff manage the car pool line) is in full sun so the school would like to install sail shades (much like those over the baby pool) to bring some welcome relief. Additionally, the original outdoor classroom created many years ago was lost when the school footprint was expanded. There are plans for a new outdoor classroom to foster interest in the environment and the school would be very grateful for funding to help with this.

Inman Middle School, through Dr. Betsy Bockman’s award winning leadership and the teacher’s hard work, the school is considered one of the best middle schools in the state of Georgia. Offering a diverse array of connection classes including language, music, art, and JROTC, the school works hard to create an academic and culturally rich student body. The science program is one of Inman’s best-kept secrets. Each year the 7th grade students go on a field trip to understand the ecology in our ocean and rivers. In past years, the students went to Cumberland Island but the education cabins and classroom is being renovated so they now go to the Coosa River School of Science. It’s an extraordinary trip and Inman leaves no child behind so funds to support those students who cannot afford the $200 are desperately needed.

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IPNA August Agenda

IPNA August 2016 Agenda


I. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers 
II. Minutes of Last Meeting
III. Announcements
         - Little Five Points Halloween Festival

IV. Police Officers’ Reports
V. Elected Officials’ Reports
VI. IPNA Officers’ Reports

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Thank You John Lewis

Recognition of our US Congressman
& former City Council member
John Lewis.


Recognition of our 5th District Congressman, the Honorable John Lewis on August 7, 2016 at the 25th Anniversary of the signing of the Settlement Agreement in Dellwood Park, one of the Olmsted Parks saved from destruction by the Presidential Parkway
Presented by long-time friend and former Inman Park neighbor, Ruth Wall:

“With Gratitude & Great Respect, we salute you for your tireless contribution to the protection of our Historic Intown Neighborhoods that were threatened for 10+ years by a Major Highway.

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Thank You John Lewis

Recognition of our US Congressman
& former City Council member
John Lewis.


Recognition of our 5th District Congressman, the Honorable John Lewis on August 7, 2016 at the 25th Anniversary of the signing of the Settlement Agreement in Dellwood Park, one of the Olmsted Parks saved from destruction by the Presidential Parkway
Presented by long-time friend and former Inman Park neighbor, Ruth Wall:

“With Gratitude & Great Respect, we salute you for your tireless contribution to the protection of our Historic Intown Neighborhoods that were threatened for 10+ years by a Major Highway.

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Inman Park Survey

Design & Public Safety
in Inman Park


Dear Inman Park Neighbors:
My name is Laura Dedenbach. I am a doctoral candidate in the College of Design, Construction, and Planning at the University of Florida. While I am a Gator, I grew up in Sandy Springs. My interest in the Inman Park neighborhood was sparked in March 2011, when I ran the Georgia Half Marathon.

My dissertation research involves a study of design and public safety in Inman Park. When beginning my research, I met and spoke with your neighbors, Dennis Mobley, Rick Bizot, and Jonathan Miller, about my research and the importance of your neighborhood. I am grateful for their guidance and support.

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Center for HArd to Recycle Materials

Does recycling matter? 

Can’t we just throw everything away and be done with everything? The answer is yes and yes - but that second one’s not a great idea. Recycling does more good than you may realize. The CHARM center, just a few blocks from the Atlanta Zoo, knows this well.

CHARM stands for Center for HArd to Recycle Materials. They are our local partner to the City of Atlanta recycling program but they go a step farther. Where the City accepts newspaper, cardboard, aluminum, plastic, glass, and steel, CHARM takes those and more. Why? Because Peggy Whitlow Ratcliffe realized our City’s citizens could do more. She’s opened an incredible facility that serves us all and makes our Paint, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, styrofoam, carpeting, televisions, mattresses, tires, light bulbs, batteries,electronics, and textiles were being thrown away in huge numbers.

Why does this matter? Because these are not healthy items that biodegrade. You know what they do? They leach various chemicals and elements into our groundwater that can be harmful.

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Neighborhood Stroll


Last month over 50 neighbors turned out for the inaugural Walkable Inman Park Neighbors' Stroll. Young and old, moms and dads, kids and dogs enjoyed a brisk 40-minute walk. This newest Inman Park event is a terrific way to catch up with friends and meet new folks all while pumping your legs and promoting good health.

Join us for this month's Stroll Saturday July 23rd, 8:00 a.m., starting in Poplar Circle. Stroll leaders Ro and Cristy will set a vigorous pace as we explore a new set of neighborhood streets. Meet neighbors and perhaps make discoveries along the way. Enjoy coffee, carbs, and conversation after the Stroll.

Don't forget to wear your Walkable Inman Park T-shirt. If you haven't yet purchased a shirt, a limited number will be available at the Stroll for $20. All monies help fund the Inman Park Sidewalk Subsidy program dedicated to improving neighborhood walkability.

July 20, 2016 Agenda

IPNA Meeting • 7:30 p.m. • Babysitting Available
The Trolley Barn • 963 Edgewood Ave. July 20, 2016

I. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers

II. Minutes of Last Meeting

III. Announcements

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Inman Park Traffic Update July 2016

Inman Park Traffic Update

You may have noticed some work being done recently at the corner of Lake/Austin and Elizabeth. If you are like me, you were probably reminiscing about the rogue crosswalk, observing the new ADA curb cut, and wondering what the heck is going on. We have good news on this and other traffic improvements.

  1. The city has agreed to install a scramble light at the corner of Lake/Austin and Elizabeth. This means all lights will turn red when a pedestrian presses a button and we can cross in any direction we choose—yes, even diagonally. They have started this work and we are all eager to see this come to completion.
  2. We should be seeing pedestrian crossings at both entrances to Inman Quarter and Inman Park Village Parkway at North Highland. These crossings will include beacons.
  3. We have been working on getting a completed study for the intersection at Irwin Street and Krog Street. Good news is that the latest study supports installing an all way stop. This will greatly improve pedestrian safety.


We don’t have any confirmation on when these projects will be funded or started. We will continue to keep everyone in the loop as things get moving.

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Support Little Five Alive Fundraiser at The Porter on July 19

Come out for a fun night of good food and drinks at The Porter on July 19 from 5 to 11 p.m. to support Little Five Alive. 10% of sales for the day are generously being donated by The Porter to Little Five Alive!
What's Little Five Alive?
It is a community organization made up of members from Candler Park, Inman Park and other surrounding neighborhoods with a mission to transform the public spaces in L5P to be brighter, cleaner and more attractive while continuing to showcase its unique creative spirit. Through the use of public art, community events, and partnerships with the L5PBA, L5PCID, Park Pride and the City of Atlanta, we are heading towards our goal of creating a more attractive, fun and safe community in L5P.

Event: Little Five Alive Fundraiser
Date: July 19, 5-11 p.m.
Location: The Porter, 1156 Euclid Ave. N, Atlanta, GA 30307
For more information, visit the event's Facebook page here:
We look forward to supporting our neighborhoods and seeing you there!

Atlanta History Center Exhibit

Inman Park, A New Atlanta History Center Exhibit

On July 2nd the Atlanta History Center will open a new exhibit entitled Gatheround: Stories of Atlanta. Inman Park is one of the communities featured. Highlights from the Inman Park installation include stories from the neighborhood’s revitalization beginning in the late-1960s, origins of the Inman Park festival and the ‘Road Fight’. “Prominent artifacts include the recently retired 9 foot long festival parade butterfly wings (gifted to the AHC by the Parade Committee), Road Fight t-shirts, “Stop the Road” sign, video footage of protests, and a slideshow of images of the trolley barn throughout the years “ said Jesse Garbowski, AHC’s Neighborhood Exhibition Project Manager.

Inman Park resident Bill Goodman donated the audiovisual work and almost all images and artifacts have come from former and current Inman Park residents as well as the neighborhood association’s archives. Content for the exhibit was developed with help from members of IPNA in collaboration with Garbowski. Garbowski emphasized the importance of neighborhood involvement in telling the Inman Park story for the exhibit.

When asked about the significance of the exhibit past president Dennis Mobley said: “Since moving to Inman Park in the late 1990s, Faye and I were steeped in the tales of the Road Busters, and have since called them Inman Park’s “Greatest Generation”. It’s one thing to read the Settlement Agreement and hear anecdotes about the Road Fight, but thanks to the Atlanta History Center exhibit on Inman Park, to see TV news footage of the civil disobedience, the neighbors in trees or with arms locked, chanting “We have a right to be here…….” was incredibly moving. My admiration for those who fought and won the good fight has grown immeasurably as a result of this vignette. I heartily recommend all Inman Parkers come see this exhibit!”

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Walkable Inman Park Neighbors’ Stroll

Walkable Inman Park Neighbors’ Stroll

Join us on Saturday June 18th at 8:00 a.m. in Poplar Circle for a stroll through Inman Park. Come celebrate healthy living and promote safe sidewalks as we walk through our neighborhood. Help call attention to the importance of maintaining and replacing Inman Park’s sidewalks.

Everyone is welcome to participate regardless of age and we will Coffee and Carbs. Bring those adorable children in strollers. Show off your cute canines. Chat with your friends. Meet neighbors.

Most importantly... walk, enjoy our neighborhood and Support our sidewalks with the purchase of a Walkable Inman Park t-shirt ($20) available at the Stroll or place an order by emailing [email protected]

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4th of July

Annual IPNA Fourth of July Celebration

Join us for a couple of hours to celebrate Independence Day - it's a great place to visit with your Inman Park neighbors or just show off your new Peachtree Road Race t-shirt!

Come celebrate American's birthday - all Inman Park neighbors are welcome. IPNA will provide chicken and beverages. Please bring a covered dish to share.
Monday, July 4 from 4 pm - 6 pm at the Trolley Barn - rain or shine

Event Coordinator: Carol Mitchell 404-659-2579

We Stopped the Road

Atlanta's second largest park wasn't supposed to be a park. What is now Freedom Parkway was conceived as a limited access, multi-lane toll road with 5 bridges over neighborhood streets to connect downtown to Stone Mountain Expressway and allow traffic to flow rapidly through "blighted urban neighborhoods". In the 1960's and early 70's, 219 acres of land, including approximately 600 residential housing units, commercial spaces and churches, were condemned and bulldozed.

In 1972, a Blue Ribbon Panel commissioned by Governor Jimmy Carter, declared that the road would not be built "at this time." The following years produced many plans and ideas of how to use the land, labeled the Great Park. One plan involved museums, an amphitheatre and housing.

The cleared land lay idle, overgrown with kudzu, until 1981 when ex-president Jimmy Carter, Mayor of Atlanta Andy Young and Georgia Department of Transportation Commissioner Tom Moreland struck a deal to create the Presidential Parkway, locating the Carter Presidential Library in the right-of-way. This new version of the expressway had amenities including "Tot Lots," playgrounds just a fence away from the high-speed, multi-lane road. Five bridges would go over neighborhood streets. Brown pavement would be used to "soften its appearance." Or, as the neighborhoods saw it, "lipstick on a pig". The same old pig.

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The Friends of Ponce Library Book Sale

The Friends of Ponce Library Book Sale

Friday, May 6, 4-6 pm Members Only Preview Sale
Memberships are available for purchase at the door for $5/person and $10/family

Saturday, May 7, 10 am to 2 pm 
Open to the public.

Books will be priced at $1 for a hardback and 50 cents for a paperback. Coffee table books are $2 and higher.
Membership proceeds and book sale proceeds all benefit the Atlanta Fulton County Library branch at 980 Ponce de Leon Ave, Atlanta 30306. These funds are used to purchase books and supplies for the branch as well as support community programs hosted at the library.

Friends of the Ponce Library is a non-profit volunteer organization to help promote and support neighborhood library. We meet the fourth Wednesday of every month to discuss ways we can fund raise and work with the library staff to ensure the library continues to be a great community resource.

We encourage library patrons to become members of the Friends Group. Applications are available at the circulation desk and at all library books sales. If you've checked out even one book from the branch, then you've covered the $5 cost of an individual membership. Family memberships are $10 and you receive a Friends magnet for your car!

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Sidewalk Subsidy Program

Believe it or not, the Inman Park Sidewalk Committee formed in late 2001 to salvage our deteriorating sidewalks. Through our council woman, Debi Starnes, we secured an initial grant of $57,000 to jumpstart our program. We started with a long swath of sidewalk on Lake Avenue and from there began offering subsidies to Inman Park neighbors. Once the grant ran out, IPNA established a budget to subsidize the sidewalk program. To date, we have re-laid over 150 individual sidewalks and five community sidewalks on almost every street in the neighborhood.Walkable

We are particularly proud of the streets like Alta, Austin, Euclid, Hale and Waverly where so many neighbors have participated in the program that we have entire blocks that are new and more walkable. That has been by design: the subsidy rewards contiguous neighbors who get their sidewalks repaired by granting higher subsidies. The standard subsidy is 50%, but 2 contiguous neighbors receive a 55% subsidy, and 3 or more contiguous neighbors receive a 60% subsidy.

Here’s how the program works:

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Old (Trash) Generals

Those of you who know me realize I seek amusement at every turn. Whether it be during IPNA meetings or slinging Festival trash while wearing a khaki cap bearing three butterflies, in my self-proclaimed role as Supreme Commander of Trash & Recycling.

I stole the latter title from no less than Dwight Eisenhower, who was Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe, and Douglas MacArthur (Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers). World War II? You’ve heard of it?

Upon his retirement, General MacArthur gave a memorable speech to Congress. I will unabashedly paraphrase his remarks by saying to you, the readers of this column, that “old (trash) generals don’t die, they just fade away”.

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