City of Atlanta Pre-Arrest Diversion Program

The City of Atlanta is revising it's pre-arrest diversion program and contemplating ways it can set up a system through 311 that could deploy resources/counselors/trained interventions to individuals who are more likely be experiencing a mental health situation or suffering from effects of poverty or addiction. There is a survey that anyone who lives or works in Atlanta is invited to fill out. 

 Pre-arrest Diversion INFO:

In June, Atlanta City Council unanimously approved a substantial funding increase, which will allow PAD (Pre-Arrest Diversion) to expand citywide over the course of this fiscal year. Mayor Bottoms' recent Administrative Orders direct the city to establish a multi-year agreement with PAD, as well as to develop a plan to train all Atlanta Police Department officers to use diversion as an alternative to arrest. When an officer has already detained a person and can call our team instead, we provide an immediate alternative to charging and booking that individual through PAD LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion)


But we think there is more we can and must do. We are working in collaboration with ATL311, the city's non-emergency services line, to offer an alternative to calling the police for community concerns related to mental health, substance use or extreme poverty.  Callers will be able to make a referral to a PAD Harm Reduction team to conduct outreach and problem-solving to address the immediate concern and make connections to partner agencies. Will you help us design this important new resource for our city?   


If you live or work in the City of Atlanta, take ten minutes to complete this brief survey about community referrals. Your input will be used by PAD and ATL311 as we develop our policies for responding to community calls, accepting referrals, caller follow-up, community engagement and more.

After you have taken the survey, share this link with your friends and neighbors and ask them to take it as well:

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