Dear IPNA Members:
It’s important that we continue to communicate and to carry on as best we can during our time of physical separation. To that end, the April 15 IPNA Business Meeting will take place on Zoom.
If you want to attend the meeting, and we hope you do, please familiarize yourself with Zoom if you haven’t already had experience with it. You do not have to have a Zoom account in order to attend the meeting. To join the meeting, you will be prompted to download the software once you have clicked on the link that IPNA will provide. You will also be given a password to log into the meeting.
Phone numbers will be provided, giving an opportunity to call in by phone to listen to the meeting, but people who call in instead of using the app or the Zoom site will not be able to make motions, second motions, or vote. We will be voting on our slate of nominees for upcoming officer vacancies and on a few other agenda items. Please watch for more detailed instructions on how to join the meeting and participate, and also be on the lookout for the meeting agenda.
Here’s a link to the Zoom site where you can join now if you want to familiarize yourself. Basic membership is free.
Everyone take care, and we look forward to resuming in-person meetings as soon as possible!
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