Announcement Regarding Suspension of March IPNA Meeting

One thing is for sure: Social distancing is totally contrary to the nature of IPNA.

However, in order to help slow the spread of COVID-19, IPNA is suspending our March Business Meeting.

Based on a directive received Friday from the City, all NPUs are working to clear their March agendas in order to avoid meeting. NPU-N has asked its member organizations to reach out to their applicants and request deferrals. As a result, we have no zoning applications that need to be voted on this month, and there are also no historic preservation applications.

Therefore, the board has voted not to hold either an in-person or a virtual March meeting.

Everyone stay safe and well until IPNA can get back to normal. Watch for updates to stay informed about upcoming events.

But also please keep reading because even though we can’t meet in person, IPNA still needs your participation this month!

There is one important issue on which the IPNA membership needs to vote.

Several weeks ago, a survey went out from CINS (The Council of Intown Neighborhoods and Schools) regarding solutions to overcrowding in the Grady Cluster. CINS, a non-profit that advocates and engages the community on behalf of the Grady Cluster, will be sharing the results of that survey in a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, the IPNA Education Committee, under the leadership of Eric Goldberg, has worked hard to sift through the various options and to identity what they consider the best solution.

The IPNA Board has voted unanimously to support the Education Committee’s conclusions.

Please proceed as follows in order to vote:

  1. 1.)  Read the statement below from the Education Committee. For more detailed information, the committee’s position paper is also available in its entirety here.

  2. 2.)  Go to to cast your vote. On your member landing page, from
    the menu on the right side of your screen, select “Online Voting.” You will then be able to vote “yes” if you support the Education Committee’s position or “no” if you do not.

IPNA Education Committee Statement:

The Inman Park Neighborhood Association Education Committee's recommendation for Inman Middle School usage and relieving Grady Cluster crowding is as follows: Make Inman Middle School a 5th/6th grade academy and change the David T. Howard School grade configuration to 7-9.

Such a scenario would see Grady High receive grades 10-12.

We believe this is both the best way to ease crowding on the elementary school level and at Grady High over the next decade and to group together developmentally appropriate cohorts across the cluster.

This plan also gives Atlanta Public Schools (APS) the time and breathing room to develop a long range facilities strategy for the Grady Cluster.

Attached is the position paper detailing the IPNA Education Committee's recommendation, which was delivered to the APS Board of Education on March 13."

Eric Goldberg
IPNA Education Committee

Committee members:

Regina Brewer

Tamara Jones
Galit Levitan

Julie Noble

Emily Kotzan

Vicki Rafferty

Alison Gordon

Scott Evans

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