Please pay close attention to the street closing and remove your cars from the streets prior to the closing in order to avoid being towed.
Closed Friday, Saturday, Sunday:
The following streets/areas will close at 7:00 a.m. on Friday, April 26 and reopen on Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 p.m. Cars must be off the street in this area by 7:00 am on Friday, April 26 or they will be towed:
Euclid Avenue from Elizabeth Street going west to Waverly Way (where it crosses Springvale Park)
Waverly Way at two areas Popular Circle/Euclid Ave to the bend in the road (the Freedom stage goes here) and then again From Euclid Avenue to Edgewood Avenue
Delta Place along the East side of Delta Park to Edgewood Avenue
Elizabeth Street from to 144/145 Elizabeth Street to 176/177 Elizabeth Street
Hurt Street From Euclid Avenue to Popular Circle
Closed Saturday and Sunday :
In addition to the above closures, on Saturday, April 27 at 3:00 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Sunday, April 28, the following streets will close:
Euclid Avenue from Austin to Edgewood
Edgewood Avenue from Hurt Street to Druid Circle (west side closest to Spruce)
Elizabeth Street from Euclid to Edgewood
Hurt Street from Euclid to Edgewood
Important note: The closings above are the main festival footprint. You must have your cars off the street in these areas by 3:00 am on Saturday, April 27 or it will be towed. If you need access to your car Saturday, please relocate it outside the closed areas.
Closed with Resident Only Access Saturday and Sunday:
The following streets are closed with resident only access from 3:00 am Saturday, April, 27 to Sunday April 28 at 7:00 p.m. Note: You may be asked to provide ID to enter these streets with a car:
Alta Avenue
Haralson Ave
Haralson Lane
Degress Avenue
Battery Place
Waverly Way from Freedom Park bend to Euclid Avenue and from Edgewood to Dekalb (See No Parking)
Elizabeth Street from Lake to Waverly Way and Edgewood to Dekalb
Hurt Street from Waverly to Euclid and Edgewood to Dekalb
Druid Circle from Euclid to Dixie
Spruce Street from Edgewood to Dekalb (see no parking and parade impact)
Waddell (see no parking and parade impact)
No Parking Zones Saturday and Sunday:
The following resident only access streets will have No Parking Zones on Saturday April, 27 from 3:00 am until Sunday, April 28, 7:00 p.m.:
Waverly Way No Parking on the Springvale Park side of the street.
Waddell No parking on the east side of the street (spruce side)
Spruce No Parking on the east side of the street from Euclid to the driveway of the townhouses/IP pool.
Parade Closing Saturday 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
The following will be closed to all traffic on Saturday, April 27 from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Edgewood from Krog to Wadell
Waddell Street
Spruce from Edgewood to Dekalb
One Way Street Saturday and Sunday
The street below will run one way on Saturday April, 27 from 3:00 a.m. until Sunday, April 28, 7:00 p.m.
Krog Street will run one way from Lake Avenue to Edgewood
Katie Goldberg
Inman Park Festival Security Co-Chair