Amended Proposed Bylaws

This is the latest iteration of the amended proposed bylaws.  The most recent changes occurred at the August IPNA Meeting. We will vote on this version of the bylaws at the September meeting. 




The following Bylaws shall be subject to, and governed by, the Georgia Non-profit Code and the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation. In the event of a direct conflict between the provisions of these Bylaws and the mandatory provisions of the Code, the Code shall control. In the event of a direct conflict between the provisions of these Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws shall control.



The name of the organization shall be the Inman Park Neighborhood Association, Inc. (“IPNA”). The Inman Park neighborhood area shall be as defined by the City of Atlanta, which is generally the area bounded as follows:

A.        The southern boundary is DeKalb Avenue, beginning at Moreland Avenue on the east and continuing until intersecting with the Atlanta BeltLine/historic rail bed on the west.

B.        The western boundary is from the Atlanta BeltLine/historic rail bed from the intersection with DeKalb Avenue, traveling north until it intersects with Freedom Parkway.

C.        The northern boundary is Freedom Parkway from the intersection with the Atlanta BeltLine, and traveling east to Moreland Avenue at the Fulton- DeKalb County line.

D.        The eastern boundary is Moreland Avenue from the intersection with Freedom Parkway and traveling south to DeKalb Avenue.

E.         Where the Atlanta BeltLine deviates from the historic rail bed, the boundary line shall remain the historic rail bed.


 The purpose of the IPNA is to promote education about historic Inman Park, encourage and actively participate in the preservation of the historic attributes of Inman Park, promote the common good and general welfare of the community, and all other purposes allowed under IRS Code 501(c)(4).

The properties and assets of the IPNA are irrevocably dedicated to and for non-profit purposes only. No part of the net earnings, properties, or assets of the IPNA, on dissolution or otherwise, shall inure to the benefit of any person or any member, director or officer of the corporation. On liquidation or dissolution, all remaining properties and assets of the IPNA shall be distributed and paid over to a similar organization dedicated to non-profit purposes which has established its tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.


The members of the IPNA are its governing authority. The membership shall set the policy for IPNA. It shall be the responsibility of the Board to execute this policy.

          A.        MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA: 

Membership is open to all who meet the following criteria: 

                                    1.         A member must generally be a Resident.

  1. “Resident” is defined as any person 18 years of age or older whose primary residence is within the Inman Park boundary lines or any person who owns real property within the stated boundaries or any person who has held a primary residence within the boundaries for a period of at least 10 years and who presently maintains a temporary residence
  2. A “Non-Resident Member” is any person or business owner who has been approved by the Board of Directors as accepted for membership based on past residency and/or past or present service. 

2.         The term “member” shall herafter refer only to Resident Members as defined in Section 3 A 1 a.  Membership is for a period of one (1) year beginning at the time of a resident’s initial or renewal application. Membership fees, if any, shall be suggested by the Board of Directors and voted upon by the membership at a regular meeting. This may include higher levels or “tiers” of membership aimed at supporting specific activities. The schedule of membership fees will be posted on the IPNA         website or such other platforms as the Board shall designate.


1.         Members may attend all regular monthly meetings, all special meetings, all committee meetings, all Board of Directors meetings, and the Annual Meeting. 

a.         Notice of the date, time, and location of meetings may be announced at the regular monthly IPNA meeting as that information is available.

b.         Notice of regularly scheduled meetings and neighborhood activities will be posted on the IPNA website or such other platforms as the Board shall designate.

2.         Members will have continuing access to the Bylaws and to all Minutes from regular, special and/or annual meetings, which will be made available on the IPNA website, or such other platforms as the Board shall designate.


1.         IPNA Issues:

a.         Only Resident Members shall be extended voting privileges on IPNA issues. Non-Resident Members may participate in all discussions but do not have voting privileges.

b.         Resident Members in good standing shall be allowed one vote each.

c.         In order to vote at a regular, annual, or special meeting, one must be an active member in good standing for a period of fifteen (15) days prior to the vote. An “active member” is a member who has paid the required membership fee, if any, and submitted a membership application to the Secretary or through the membership portal of the website.

d.         Absentee voting or voting by proxy will not be allowed at   any regular, special, or annual meeting.

2.         NPU-N Issues: Any resident living within the geographic boundaries of the neighborhood may vote on any Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU) issues presented at an IPNA meeting, regardless of membership status.


A.        There shall be an Annual Meeting on the third Wednesday of May of every year. 

B.        There shall be a regular monthly meeting on the third Wednesday of every month except as otherwise decided by a majority vote at a regular monthly meeting.

1.         The membership may vote to amend the published Agenda at the monthly meeting.

2.         No quorum is required for the Annual Meeting or for a regular meeting. Motions may be passed by a simple majority vote of those Resident Members in attendance.

3.         Voting methods at regular meetings are at the discretion of the Board of Directors and may be in the form of a voice vote, a show of hands, a written vote with proof of membership, or other means.

4.         The general procedure shall be normal conversation. The Board shall have the authority to establish rules to govern discussion.

C.        “Immediate Neighbors” shall consist of residents and owners of property within three hundred (300) feet of any property subject to review. This distance shall be measured from each property line of the property in question outward to the required radius. All properties either wholly or partially within the radius shall be considered Immediate Neighbors. These neighbors may work with the Zoning or Historic Preservation Committees to consider issues relating to proposed projects coming before IPNA for approval. There shall be no recognition of absentee voting or voting by proxy at these meetings. Voting at the meetings is not restricted to IPNA members. Notice of upcoming meetings will be made to the relevant properties at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time of the meeting.

D.        Committee meetings shall be held at a time chosen by the chair of the Committee.

E.         Special Meetings may be called at any time but only as herein provided. A Special Meeting may be initiated by any four (4) members of the Board of Directors. A majority vote at a regular meeting may also initiate a Special Meeting. Public notice on the IPNA website, or such other platforms as the Board may designate, must include the date, time, place, and purpose. Such notice must be given at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time of the meeting. A quorum of one hundred (100) Resident Members of IPNA must be present before any vote taken at a Special Meeting is valid. 


            A.        The membership of the IPNA is its governing authority and will set its                               policies. It will be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to execute                            those policies and to make recommendations to the membership. The                                     powers of the Board of Directors shall be defined in these Bylaws. The                              Board of Directors of the IPNA shall consist of the following officers,                                     who shall be Resident Members:

1. President;

2. Vice President for Planning;

3. Vice President for Zoning;

4. Vice President for Historic Preservation;

5. Vice President for Public Safety;

6. Vice President for Communications;

7. Treasurer;

8. Secretary; and

9. President-elect, a non-voting member of the Board.

B.        In order to ensure the smooth operation of the Board of Directors and the IPNA, each officer will be elected to a term of two (2) years and shall assume the duties of the office during the Transitional Board Meeting as described in Article 5, Section E 10.

C.        The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominees for IPNA officers at the regular monthly meeting in April. During the second year of the President’s term, the Nominating Committee will also nominate a President-elect. Additional nominees may be accepted from the floor at this meeting and added to the proposed slate. By a majority vote at the Annual IPNA Meeting in May, the membership shall elect from all nominees the officers to constitute the Board of Directors. 

D.        Each officer elected to serve on the Board of Directors shall be a member of the IPNA and shall not serve in the same office for more than one (1) two-year term consecutively. Nothing prohibits non-consecutive terms of service in the same office.

E.        The Board of Directors’ responsibilities are to:

1.         develop suggested statements of policy for the IPNA to be confirmed at regularly scheduled monthly meetings;

2.         meet monthly to make administrative decisions and to implement the policy of the IPNA. A Board member may take part in a Board meeting either in person or by telephone. Board members are authorized to discuss and vote on issues via email or other such electronic communications;

3.         oversee all representatives, Committee chairs, and members, all of whom serve at the pleasure of the IPNA Board of Directors;

4.         attend all monthly meetings, special meetings, and meetings of the Board of Directors;

5.         give reports on the activities of their Committees at all monthly meetings;

6.         publish reports on the IPNA website, in the Advocator, or other such platforms as the Board shall designate;

7.         turn over files that are a year or more old to the archivist;

8.         promptly turn over all current files to their succeeding officer;

9.         report all decisions to the membership at the regular monthly meeting; and

10.       hold a Transitional Board Meeting of all incoming and outgoing Board members after the May Annual Meeting and before the June regular business meeting.

F.         The President shall:

1.         preside over all regular monthly meetings, special meetings, Board meetings, the Annual Meeting, and special meetings;

2.         appoint a Board member to preside in the event of the President’s absence;

3.         preside over the Board of Directors; 

4.         perform all administrative duties as required by the office, including preparing and publishing a meeting Agenda prior to each monthly meeting and having it posted on the IPNA website, or such other platforms as the Board shall designate, no later than 2 days in advance of the meeting;

5.         keep the President-elect informed and prepared to take over the duties of the office;

6.         convene a Nominating Committee during the beginning of the President’s two-year term; and

7.         chair the Nominating Committee.

G.        The Vice President for Planning shall:

1.         serve as the Chair of the Standing Committee for Planning;

2.         oversee the activities of the Standing Committees for Planning, Beautification, Lifelong Inman Park, and Transportation, and all Subcommittees thereof that report to the VP for Planning;

3.         serve, or appoint a designee to serve, as the liaison between the IPNA and any other organization concerned with community planning issues, including appointing a Freedom Park Conservancy representative whose appointment shall be subject to a vote of approval of the membership of IPNA; and

4.         perform such other duties as delegated or designated by the President, the Board of Directors, or as described in Article 6, Section A 1. 

H .       The Vice President for Zoning shall:

1.         serve as the Chair of the Standing Committee for Zoning;

2.         serve, or appoint a designee to serve, as the IPNA representative to the City of Atlanta’s Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU). Such designee’s appointment shall be approved by a vote of the Resident Members prior to the NPU-N term of office; and

3.         perform such other duties as delegated or designated by the President or the Board of Directors or as described in Article 6, Section A 2.

I.          The Vice President for Historic Preservation shall:

1.         serve as the Chair of the Standing Committee for Historic Preservation and of the Archives Subcommittee;

2.         serve, or appoint a designee to serve, as the liaison between the IPNA and any other organization concerned with historical preservation issues; and

3.         perform such other duties as delegated or designated by the President or the Board of Directors or as described in Article 6, Section A 3.

J.         The Vice President for Public Safety shall:

1.         serve as the Chair of the Standing Committee for Public Safety;

2.         serve, or appoint a designee to serve, as the liaison between the IPNA and any other organization concerned with public safety issues;

3.         oversee the activities of the Inman Park Security Patrol and support the setting and collection of fees to support the operations of the Security Patrol; and

            4.         perform such other duties as delegated or designated by the             President, the Board of Directors, or as described in Article 6,     Section A 4.

K.        The Vice President for Communications shall:

1.         serve as the Chair of the Standing Committee for Communications;

2.         serve, or appoint a designee to serve, as the liaison between the IPNA and any other organization concerned with communications issues; 

3.         post, no later than two days before the IPNA meeting, the official agenda on the IPNA website or such other platform as the Board shall designate;

4.         use the IPNA website, or other platform as chosen by the Board, as the official communications portal, but also make information available through as many other means as are deemed appropriate by the Board, reaching out both to members and to non-members;

5.         have the authority to exercise editorial control of all official IPNA publications and communications as deemed appropriate by the Board; and

6.         perform such other duties as delegated or designated by the President, the Board of Directors, or as described in Article 6, Section A 6.

L.         The Treasurer shall:

1.         keep and maintain all financial records, receive all funds collected and/or donated for IPNA, and sign all disbursements for IPNA;

2.         pick up the IPNA mail and deliver it to the appropriate addressees not less than once each week;

3.         have the authority to disburse funds as approved by the Resident Membership in accordance with the annual budget;

4.         delegate authority if and when necessary, after Board recommendation and IPNA approval, to disburse funds or to receive funds on behalf of the IPNA;

5.         make a report of all disbursements from the annual budget, including “Expenditures of Donor Restricted Funds” (see Article 7, Section C 3), “Budgeted Expenditures” (see Article 7, Section C 1), and “Un-budgeted Expenditures” (see Article 7, Section C 2) at the monthly IPNA meeting; 

6.         publish a quarterly financial update;

7.         present for approval “Un-budgeted Expenditures,” which are disbursements other than those approved in the annual budget. “Un-budgeted Expenditures” need Board of Director or Resident Membership approval (See Article 7, Section C 2); 

8.         work with a Board-approved professional to ensure that all required tax forms, i.e. 1099 and 990, are prepared on a timely basis; sign and mail the required forms in a timely manner in order to facilitate preparation of all forms required by the IRS and Georgia Department of Revenue and to prepare the IPNA income tax and tax reporting forms, after which the Treasurer will review, sign, and mail the completed forms; report completion of tax compliance activities to the Board of Directors as due dates occur, including notice of original due dates, any extensions filed, and confirmation that returns have been filed in compliance with all due dates; maintain a public copy of the 990;

9.         ensure the completion of the annual registration with the Georgia Secretary of State in a timely manner; and

10.       perform such other duties as delegated or designated by the President or the Board of Directors.

M.       The Secretary shall: 

1.         take and keep a record of minutes of all regular IPNA monthly meetings, Special Meetings, the Annual Meeting, and, as appropriate, correspondence;

2.         prepare correspondence as required by the President or the Board of Directors. The subject matter of all such items shall be made available at the subsequent monthly meeting;

3.         maintain a copy of the IPNA Bylaws and make these available to the membership at the Annual Meeting, on the website, and as requested;

4.         maintain and publish or cause to be maintained and published a membership directory to be made available as soon as possible after the Annual Meeting;

5.         oversee the Social Committee;

6.         be responsible for overseeing the IPNA trademark and its use; and

7.         perform such other duties as delegated or designated by the President or the Board of Directors.

N.        The President-elect shall:

1.         be nominated and elected during the second year of the President’s term;

2.         be involved with IPNA;

3.         participate in Board meetings but without voting rights;

4.         attend IPNA meetings; and

5.         learn the duties of the office in preparation for becoming President.

O.       Removal From Office:

1.         Proceedings for removing an officer must be placed on the Agenda for two (2) consecutive regular monthly meetings. No removal from office may be finally voted on at the meeting where it is first proposed.

2.         Officers must be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members attending the regular membership meeting after the second publication of the proposed removal.

P. Vacancies of Any Officer Position:

1.         Vacancies shall be filled by appointment made by the Board of Directors, except for vacancies of the office of President in the event there is a President-elect, in which case the President-elect shall assume the office of President. 

2.         Appointees must meet the same qualifications as elected officers.

3.         The appointment will be temporary, pending confirmation by a majority vote of the members at the first available monthly meeting.

4.         After confirmation:

a.         persons confirmed to fill unexpired terms during the first year of the two-year term for that office may not run again for that office for the succeeding term.

b.         persons confirmed to fill unexpired terms during the second year of the two-year term for that office may run again for that office for the succeeding term.


A.        Standing Committees shall consist of a minimum of three members, including the Committee Chair. The Committee Chair must be a member of the IPNA in good standing. New Committee members may vote on Committee issues upon attending a second consecutive Committee meeting. Minutes should be kept of all Committee meetings. Standing Committees will meet on a schedule convenient to their respective presiding officers. Committees may create ad hoc subcommittees to carry out specific charges of the Committee.

1.         Planning Committeeshall have the duty of representing the interests of the IPNA on issues of land use development, planning for land use, transportation, community infrastructure, and the beautification of Inman Park. It shall coordinate the IPNA’s efforts in these areas with governmental and other agencies and organizations. The Chair of this Committee will coordinate with the Chairs of the Standing Committees for Zoning and Historic Preservation as land use development or other charges of the Committee also deal with issues under the charge of those Committees. All existing or future Inman Park Committees dealing with the above listed issues shall have a representative on the Standing Committee for Planning. This Committee will report through the VP for Planning.

2.         Zoning Committeeshall have the duty of representing the interests of the IPNA on all issues of existing land use in all zoning matters such as rezoning, variances, special use permits, special exception permits, liquor licenses, or hearings concerning real property in the Inman Park neighborhood as defined in Article 1. All matters regarding zoning compliance or changes in zoning within the designated area shall be referred to the Zoning Committee for recommendation prior to being brought before the general membership. The Zoning Committee will make itself available to the Immediate Neighbors and involve those impacted by a specific decision and will get their input as needed. The Zoning Committee will communicate the voting results of meetings held by Committee at the next regular IPNA meeting. The IPNA has the right to review and comment on zoning-related applications in the Beltline Overlay District and in adjacent NPUs when the properties in question are within 200 feet of any Inman Park boundary. In these cases the Vice President for Zoning will present the information at an IPNA meeting but will not convene a Zoning Committee meeting. The Chair of this Committee will coordinate with the Chairs of the Standing Committees for Planning and Historic Preservation as zoning issues or other charges of the Committee also deal with issues under the charge of those Committees. This Committee will report through the VP for Zoning.

3.         Historic Preservation Committee shall have the duty of representing the interests of the IPNA on all issues concerning the design or modification of structures so that these activities are compatible with the local historic preservation designation ordinances. It shall propose neighborhood policy on preservation issues and serve as the liaison between the IPNA and other preservation groups and activities in the City of Atlanta. All matters regarding compliance with Type III or Type IV Certificates of Appropriateness shall be referred to the Historic Preservation Committee for recommendation prior to being brought before the general membership. The Historic Preservation Committee will make itself available to the Immediate Neighbors and involve those impacted by a specific decision and will get their input as needed. The Committee shall communicate the voting results of meetings held by the Committee to the IPNA at the next regular meeting. The chair of this Committee will coordinate with the chairs of the Standing Committees for Planning and Zoning when a UDC Certificate of Appropriateness requires a variance or zoning change, relates to a property in Subareas 2 and 3, or when historic preservation issues or other charges of the Committee also relate to issues under the charge of those Committees. The Committee will also assemble and maintain, or cause to be assembled and maintained, an archive of material relevant to Inman Park’s origin, development, and restoration. This Committee will report through the V.P. for Historic Preservation. The Archives Committee is a Subcommittee of the Standing Committee for Historic Preservation. This Subcommittee is responsible for collecting, cataloging, and preserving items of historic significance in the history of Inman Park and the neighborhood organizations that have operated within its boundaries.

4.         Public Safety Committee shall coordinate the public safety program for Inman Park. This includes promoting membership in the Security Patrol, overseeing the funds and the funds distribution for the Security Patrol, distributing information pertaining to public safety, serving as liaison with the Atlanta Police Department and other law enforcement agencies, producing a report on neighborhood crimes to be published in the Advocator or on the IPNA website, or such other platforms as the Board shall designate, establishing communication as needed with Neighborhood Watch Captains or other similar organizations, and any other such duties and responsibilities which enhance and improve the public safety in Inman Park. This Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the Inman Park Security Patrol vehicle, including but not limited to gasoline and/or repairs. This Committee shall also be responsible for selecting Atlanta police officers who will patrol Inman Park either on foot, on bicycle, or by use of the patrol car. This Committee will report through the VP for Public Safety.

5.         Beautification Committee shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to neighborhood beautification, especially the beautification of public spaces. The Committee may also partner on various beautification activities with private owners. The Committee will establish communication as needed with other similar neighborhood beautification organizations. The Committee will also work with such charitable organizations as Friends of Inman Park, Inc., to identify opportunities for grants that can be used for the benefit of the neighborhood. The Committee will report through the VP for Planning. Subcommittees of the Beautification Committee are:

  1. TreeWatch, which has as its focus the enhancement and maintenance of the neighborhood tree cover;
  2. Sidewalks, which has as its focus the improvement and maintenance of sidewalks in Inman Park;
  3. Springvale Park, which has as its focus the maintenance and wise use of the Park; and 
  4. Playgrounds, which has as its focus the development and maintenance of neighborhood playgrounds.
  5. Communications Committee shall be responsible for overseeing all matters pertaining to communications by the Inman Park Neighborhood Association to residents of Inman Park, other residents of the City of Atlanta, and all members of the press. The IPNA web site shall be the official portal for all official IPNA communication unless another platform is designated by the Board. This Committee is charged with ensuring the accuracy of all communications and developing an attractive and consistent style of presentation for all the various methods of communication to enhance the image of Inman Park and the Inman Park Neighborhood Association. Subcommittees of the Standing Committee for Communications are:
    1. Advocator Subcommittee: TheBoard will appoint an editor who will chair this Subcommittee. In addition to publishing information about the activities of the IPNA, the Editor of the Advocator is authorized to accept paid advertisements and press releases, to solicit articles, and to edit or reject submitted material. In all cases the Editor shall use sound business and journalistic judgment concerning the operations of the Advocator. The acceptance of advertisements or publishing of letters does not mean that the IPNA endorses the work product of any advertiser or agrees with the opinions of any author. A disclaimer notice shall be published in each issue of the Advocator. The Editor shall submit, or shall designate someone to submit, a copy of the current issue articles to the Webmaster to be published on the IPNA website. The Editor will report through the VP for Communications.
    2. Website Subcommittee: This Subcommittee will maintain the website for the IPNA. A Webmaster will be appointed who will chair this Subcommittee. The website will publish information about the activities of the IPNA and of the Inman Park neighborhood, its social organizations, community activities, and the Inman Park Advocator newsletter. The Webmaster will ensure that the most current Graphic Standards pertaining to the IPNA Marks, per Article 8, shall be posted, with access to this information being restricted only to those who have obtained authorization from the IPNA. The Webmaster is authorized to accept, reject, and/or edit, with approval of the VP for Communications and of the Board, all submitted material. In all cases the Webmaster will use sound business judgment concerning the operations and publications of the website. The acceptance of material or publishing of information does not mean that the IPNA endorses any activity not associated with the IPNA. The Chair of this Committee will report through the VP for Communications.
    3. Inman Park Spring Festival and Tour of Homes Committee (Festival Committee) shall direct and coordinate the annual Inman Park Spring Festival and Tour of Homes (“the Festival”). The purpose of the Festival is threefold:
      1. to celebrate the unique community that is Inman Park;
      2. to publicize the restoration of Inman Park and the benefits of preserving the historic fabric of our City; and
      3. to help fund the activities of the IPNA.

                        A Festival Chair or Co-Chairs shall be nominated by the Festival Committee, appointed by the Board, and confirmed by the membership. The term for a Festival Chair begins in the August preceding the Festival year. The Festival Chair or Co-Chair term is two (2) years, absent extenuating circumstances that would prevent serving a two-year term. The Festival Chair(s) shall be responsible for organizing the annual Festival. The Festival is to be organized and run by neighborhood volunteers.

                        The Chair(s) shall be empowered to appoint any additional Committee members as needed to fulfill the purposes of the Committee. A Festival Treasurer, to be appointed by the Committee Chair(s), is empowered to disburse and receive funds on behalf of the IPNA and is required to maintain accurate and true records. The Festival Chair(s) and Festival Treasurer are authorized by the IPNA Board to sign contracts dealing solely with Festival issues on behalf of the IPNA. The IPNA Treasurer has the right to request copies of the Festival Committee’s books and bank account records at any time for the purposes of review. The Chair(s) and Festival Treasurer shall provide reports to the Board as requested, and an annual report of Festival results shall be submitted to the IPNA. The Festival Treasurer will present to the IPNA Board no later than July 1 a projection of the expected proceeds from that year’s Festival. As early as possible after the Festival, but in any event not later than the August following the Festival, the Festival Chair will render to the Treasurer of IPNA all profits accrued from the Festival, except the Festival Committee shall retain adequate funds from the Festival proceeds to meet the financial requirements of permitting, insurance, advertising, etc., for next Festival, plus outstanding bills. This Committee will report through the Treasurer.

8.         Social Committee will convene at least two social events for the membership in each calendar year. In the past those events have celebrated the 4th of July and the December holiday season. The Social Committee will report through the Secretary. Subcommittees of the Social Committee are: 

 a.        Cheers/Newcomers, which greets and consoles neighbors and members on behalf of the IPNA and informs new neighbors of the activities and goals of the IPNA; and 

 b.        Porch Party, which organizes and schedules neighborhood get-togethers.

9.         Nominating Committee shall report to the President, and its members shall be expected to serve for two- (2) year terms. Vacancies shall be filled by the Board. The Nominating Committee of at least three members shall be presented to the full membership for approval at the September meeting and shall present the following April a slate of candidates to be voted upon in May to fill upcoming Board vacancies. This Committee shall also work to recruit volunteers for committees, etc., throughout the year.

10.       Bylaws Committee shall be selected by the Board to review and/or revise the Bylaws every two (2) years. This Committee shall report to the President.

11.       Lifelong Inman Park Committee shall engage in planning-related activities, provide information, and otherwise promote the concept of facilitating livability in Inman Park for people of all ages. This Committee shall report through the VP for Planning.

12.       Transportation Committee which represents the IPNA on all transportation issues including traffic. This Committee shall report to the VP for Planning. 

13.       Education Committee, which deals with issues regarding education, educational resources and issues in Inman Park. This Committee shall report to the VP for Communication.

B.        Ad Hoc Committees

1.        Committees may be established by the Board of Directors for any particular purpose. The duties and scope of any such committee shall be designated by the Board. Ad hoc committees shall report to a designated Board member. Committee Chairs may be removed by a vote of the Board. Removal of committee members other than committee chairs shall be done by a recommendation from the Board approved by the membership.

2.         If the need for an ad hoc committee continues for more than eleven (11) months, the Board of Directors will review the need to create a standing committee. If the Board determines that the ad hoc committee should become a standing committee, it shall bring the issue before the membership for a vote. 

3.         If an ad hoc committee becomes a standing committee, proper notation shall be made and it will be placed in the proper order when the Bylaws are revised.


A.        Income:

1.         The main source of income to the IPNA is derived from the Festival fundraising event held the last weekend in April. Festival Committee maintains a separate checking account for the purposes of depositing funds and paying the expenses of Festival.

2.         Committees may engage in direct fundraising to support their activities with Board approval. Any funds raised for a specific purpose (“Donor Restricted Funds”) that are not disbursed may be carried over from one year to the next, but are not to be used for other IPNA purposes unless so designated by the Committee which earned the funds. For example, the Public Safety Committee collects membership fees to help support the costs incurred by the Committee. The IPNA Treasurer shall have the right to request copies of all Committees’ books and financial records at any time for the purposes of review.

3.         Funds budgeted for IPNA Committees do not “roll over” at the end of the budget year except for funds committed to projects commenced but not completed prior to the end of the budget year, or committed under a binding contract as of that date.

4.         With the exception of Festival Committee, all funds raised for the IPNA or a Committee (Donor Restricted Funds) must be given to the Treasurer to deposit in the IPNA checking account and to have them available for disbursement unless other arrangements have been made with the Board. All fees collected for Public Safety shall be deposited with the IPNA Treasurer and shall be used as “Donor Restricted Funds” to pay the security patrol officers, purchase yard signs for new members, and/or to purchase other materials necessary to promote public safety in the neighborhood.

B.        Budget:

1.         IPNA’s budget year runs from November 1 to October 31. The annual budget shall be approved at the October meeting. Items in a just-adopted budget may not be approved for expenditure at the October meeting.

2.         The Treasurer shall, with assistance from the other members of the Board of Directors and input from the general membership, prepare an annual budget for the IPNA.

3.         The proposed budget shall appear in the September Advocator and on the IPNA website, to be published prior to the September meeting, or on other platforms as deemed appropriate by the Board, and shall be discussed at that regular meeting.

4.         The final budget, with suggested changes adopted by the Board of Directors, shall be published prior to the October meeting in the October Advocator, on the IPNA website, or on other such platforms as the Board shall designate, and shall be discussed and voted on at that month’s regular meeting.

5.         If the Board decides to reallocate money from one budgeted item to another or declines a request to spend funds on any item included in the budget, the Board must receive approval from the Membership. 

C.        Expenditures:

No officer, committee chair or other person representing the IPNA may enter into a contractual arrangement for an amount to exceed $5,000 without first receiving approval by the membership at a regularly scheduled monthly meeting EXCEPT FOR those contracts entered into by the Festival Committee for the purposes of putting on the annual Spring Festival. IPNA Committee Chairs with line items in the Annual Budget that will require contracts that exceed $5,000 must receive approval from the Board before entering into a contract. The IPNA budget recognizes three types of expenditures:

  1. “Budgeted Expenditures”
  2. “Un-budgeted Expenditures” are any requested or needed disbursements during the fiscal year that were not approved in the annual budget. Any Un-budgeted Expenditure of more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) shall be presented to the membership at two consecutive regular monthly meetings. The item(s) shall be discussed at the first such meeting, then discussed and voted on at the second meeting. Un-budgeted expenditures of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or less can be discussed and voted on at one regular monthly meeting or disbursed with the written approval of five (5) Board Members. The item must be on the published agenda and cannot be added to the agenda at the meeting through a vote. Any approval and disbursement by the Board only must be reported at the next monthly meeting.
  3. “Expenditures from Donor Restricted Funds” are expenditures from funds raised by a particular Committee or donated by a person, business, or other entity for the purpose of carrying out the charge of that Committee (“Donor Restricted Funds”). “Expenditures from Donor Restricted Funds” may be distributed from these funds for the needs of the Committee upon a request from the Chair of the Committee to the Treasurer for an amount up to $10,000 without approval of the membership. The Treasurer will report such expenditures at the monthly meeting.


  1. The IPNA owns valuable trademark and service mark rights in one or more versions of the butterfly logo developed in 1970 and the name "Inman Park Neighborhood Association,” and may develop and use other trademarks and service marks for use in conjunction with its goods and services, which collectively shall be subject to this article. For the purposes of these Bylaws, these trademarks and service marks shall be referred to as "the IPNA Marks.”
  2. The IPNA Marks shall be used for IPNA purposes only and/or purposes authorized by the IPNA.
    1. The IPNA Marks may only be used in co-op advertising by third parties who are IPNA or Festival sponsors or who are sponsored by the IPNA and/or have obtained written permission from the IPNA Board of Directors.
    2. All uses associated with Festival sponsors shall be authorized and supervised by the Festival chair(s). The use of the IPNA Marks by sponsors shall be authorized for advertising during the months of March and April until Festival is over. Said authorization shall not be extended by the Chair(s) for any other time period.
    3. All other uses shall be authorized by the IPNA Board of Directors and supervised by the member in charge of the sponsorship.
    4. Except as set forth in Section B 1 above, no use of the IPNA Marks shall be authorized for use in the commercial advertising (including websites, signage, and the like) of IPNA members or unrelated third parties unless a commercial category of membership is adopted by the IPNA which contains appropriate licensing fees and standards for the commercial use of the IPNA Marks.
    5. Authorized uses shall be consistent with the Graphic Standards which shall be published on the IPNA Website. The Graphic Standards shall include instructions that the logo cannot be reproduced without using the camera-ready artwork maintained by IPNA, which can only be accessed with authorization as per Section B 1 above.
    6. Banners and/or flags bearing the IPNA Marks may be sold only to IPNA Resident Members for the sole purpose of indicating their IPNA membership on the exterior or interior of the members' premises.

C.        The IPNA Board shall take such actions as it deems appropriate to protect the IPNA Marks.

  1. Federal and state trademark registrations may be filed and maintained.
  2. All potential misuses of the IPNA Marks shall be brought to the attention of the IPNA Board, which shall take such action that is necessary and appropriate to ensure that the IPNA Marks are not infringed upon or diluted by third parties.


  1. These Bylaws may be amended, revised in whole or part, or repealed by a majority vote taken at a regular monthly meeting, subject to the following:
  2. No amendments or revisions may be finally voted on at the meeting where they are first proposed.
  3. All amendments and revisions must be made available to the membership for review by distribution at a regular meeting and by publication either in the Advocator, on the IPNA website, or other such platform as the Board shall designate, before the meeting where they are first proposed. Any and all changes to the Bylaws must be discussed and voted upon by the Resident Members before they will take effect.



Approved on _____________ [Date] ___________________________________,


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