The June meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 20, 2018, 7:30 pm at the Trolley Barn. The agenda will include
-A call for budget requests for the 2018-2019 fiscal year-Seeking members for committees -Historic Preservation, Zoning and Nominating Committees
-1034 Euclid Ave Type IV appropriateness update
Jenkins Metal/Thrive Homes Update
-74 Druid Circle -additions to non-contributing structure
-Villa de Grip update
-Little Spirit, 299 N. Highland NE-change of agent
-Moreland Corridor Update
-Inman Park Plan
-Hulsey Yards
-Springvale Park Update- Amy Higgins
-Special Events - $1250 donation from 20th Century Fox
-Transportation - Janice Darling: street redesigns
-20th century fox - Karen Goeckel
-Bylaws Committee Update
We hope to see you there.
PNA May 2018 Agenda
Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers
Police Officers’ Reports
Minutes of Last Meeting
Elected Officials’ Reports
IPNA Officers’ Reports
- President
- Call for budget requests - 2018-19 fiscal year budget
- Seeking Members for committees - Historic Preservation, Zoning, and Nominating Committees
- Historic Preservation
- 1034 Euclid Ave. Type IV Certificate of Appropriateness update
- Jenkins Metal site/Thrive Homes Development
- 74 Druid Circle - additions to a non-contributing structure
- 835 Ashland - additions to a contributing structure
- Zoning
- Villa de Grip update
- Little Spirit, 299 N. Highland Ave. NE - change of agent
- Moreland Ave. Corridor Update
- Planning
- Inman Park Master Plan
- Hulsey Yards
- Public Safety
- IPSP phone
- Communications
- Treasurer
- Secretary
Committee Reports
- Springvale Park - Amy Higgins
- Special Events - $1250 donation from 20th Century Fox
- Transportation - Janice Darling: street redesigns
- 20th century fox - Karen Goeckel
- Bylaws
Old Business
New Business