Regan Hammond from Renew Atlanta came to our meeting Wednesday night to give an update on the three projects they've targeted. You can see the slides here.
Here’s some bullets on where we stand with the 3 projects:
- Edgewood @ Euclid – We have received traffic and turning moving counts for the intersection and will be adjusting the design a bit based on those. Those counts will help us determine whether or not the left turn lane from Edgewood to Euclid is needed. If it is needed, the counts will also tell us how long it needs to be. The Cycle Atlanta Study recommended no left turn lane, so we needed to do this extra analysis to align our design with that plan’s recommendations. We are going make some small adjustments to the new crosswalk/ped refuge island design and how we accommodate bikes traveling from Euclid to the Edgewood westbound bike lane. We also updated the cost estimate to reflect the latest unit cost for hex pavers.
- Irwin @ Krog – The Dept. of Public Works is replacing the crumbled sidewalk on the south side of Irwin between the Beltline and Krog. Demo of the old sidewalk is starting this week and reconstruction will begin right after the new year. They will also upgrade all of the ped ramps at the intersection to be ADA compliant. The Renew Atlanta funding will be used to mill, repave, and restripe Irwin between Waddell and Auburn after the sidewalk/ramp work is complete. The cost estimate has been updated to reflect this.
- N. Highland – We received 2 draft concept options for traffic calming, ped crossing, and traffic control at the ped crossing from our study consultant. I’ve included those drafts in this presentation, but we do not yet have cost estimates. These concept options are being reviewed internally and will be slightly tweaked a bit before being brought to the public in late January/early February for comment. We’ll then select the preferred concept and finalize design by late February/early March. This particular improvement has additional funding (Impact Fee - $100k) to supplement the Renew funding for construction.
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