The developers of the Jenkins Metals site, Thrive Homes, has scheduled a meeting for the neighborhood to learn of and discuss its plans. Their email to IPNA reads, "Thrive would like to invite Inman Park neighbors to an informational meeting to begin a discussion about Thrive’s vision for the Jenkins Steel property and get everyone’s feedback and concerns."
The meeting will be at Little 5 Points Community Center on Monday November 13th at 6:30pm.
This site is crucially important. Its proximity to the Beltline means that what gets developed there will influence how we all experience that vital feature of our neighborhood. The site also occupies a defining piece of geography. It defines the transition from the denser mixed commercial/residential developments that exist along the Beltline corridor (Krog Street Market, the Alexan, etc.) to the quieter and less dense residential areas. What ends up being built here will have a significant impact on the character of our neighborhood. If you can, please plan to attend the meeting.
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