Summary of Proposed Revisions to IPNA By-Laws
This is the first proposed set of revisions to IPNA’s By-Laws in several years. It is offered in support of IPNA’s expanded website and membership management capabilities, and in recognition of the fact that our lifestyles have all been impacted by the Internet.
The highlights of the revisions are as follows:
The revised By-Laws begin with provisions customary to those of well-organized non-profit organizations by referencing the Georgia Non-profit Code, which prevail in instances of conflict. The name of the organization and the boundaries of the neighborhood are delineated. The latter now ties to City of Atlanta maps, and replaces mention of the Southern Railroad Line with “Atlanta Beltline/historic rail bed”.
Other customary passages follow next, such as “Purpose” (consistent with IPNA’s 501(c)(4) status), and “Assets” (irrevocably dedicated to non-profit purposes).
Next comes “Governance”, and here the previous description of the IPNA Board of Directors largely remains, but the moment at which incoming officers assume their duties is clarified as occurring during the Transitional Board Meeting held after May elections and prior to the June IPNA meeting.
As duties of each IPNA officer are delineated, the option to post information on the IPNA website in addition to or in lieu of publishing in The Advocator is included. This is in recognition of space limitations, environmental sensitivity, and the concept of prompting IPNA members to look to the website as a primary source of information about the Association.
This in turn was prompted by our realization that the extensive re-ordering of topics within the revised By-Laws would have necessitated printing an extra 15 pages of hard copy in The Advocator, a decidedly impractical means of presenting these changes.
Definitions, rights, and voting privileges associated with IPNA Membership is now addressed in Article 5, and reflects the revised membership structure voted in during the August, 2015 IPNA meeting, including free basic IPNA membership that is generally restricted to individuals and businesses living and operating within IPNA’s boundaries. Non-resident members can be approved by the Board of Directors on an exception basis. All membership levels are now tied to anniversary dates of joining or upgrading. The old May 1 to April 30 membership year is discontinued, consistent with the membership revisions ratified during the August, 2015 IPNA meeting.
Article 6 describes Financial matters, and is largely unchanged save for some stylistic changes and a provision that IPNA budget funds can only “roll over” to a succeeding fiscal year if a binding contract exists or budgeted work has commenced but not been completed by year-end.
Article 7 (“Committees”) is largely unchanged except for some re-ordering of text and the identification of the new Lifelong Inman Park Committee, dedicated to promoting livability within the neighborhood for people of all ages.
Previous articles dealing with annual, regular, and special IPNA meetings, plus our butterfly and related trademarks, remain largely unchanged.
Lastly, it is proposed that amendments and revisions to IPNA By-Laws be posted on the IPNA website in addition to or in lieu of publishing them hard-copy in The Advocator as good sense and environmental sensitivity might dictate.
The proposed By-Laws revisions will be discussed at the March, 2016 IPNA meeting and voted upon at the April, 2016 IPNA meeting.
Read proposed By-Laws
Hope to see you at the IPNA meeting.