L5PA Letter of Support for Moreland Traffic Light

Little Five Points Alliance is asking for IPNA's support for a new traffic light on Moreland Ave. by Bass Field. Please read the letter. We will vote at the April meeting. 


April 17, 2023




Mr. Paul DeNard

District Engineer

Georgia Department of Transportation

Metro Atlanta Region, District 7

5025 New Peachtree Road

Chamblee, GA 30341


Dear Mr. DeNard,


The Little 5 Points Alliance understands there will be a new multi-family/mixed-use development located at 323-361 Moreland Avenue. We would like to express support for traffic modifications at this location to create a safer experience for all users.


The project has been designed so that the main exit/entry into the parking garage aligns with the existing curb cut on the APS property at 326 Moreland Avenue. The addition of a traffic signal at this new intersection would allow traffic from both properties to travel north or south (making left and right turns) on Moreland Avenue, which would be difficult to impossible without the light. In addition, a new traffic signal will help slow down vehicular speeds on Moreland Avenue and create a much-needed method for pedestrians to cross Moreland between Dekalb and McLendon Avenues.


As the Executive Director of the Little 5 Points Alliance, I am writing to confirm our support for a traffic signal at this location. 







Lauren Welsh

Executive Director, L5P Alliance

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