Please plan to Attend the Presentation of the Lifelong Inman Park Master Plan
June 21, IPNA Meeting
The Lifelong Inman Park Plan was developed to guide Inman Park’s transformation into a Lifelong Community by incorporating the needs of older residents into all aspects of community planning, development, and living.
This plan reflects a national Lifelong Communities movement and addresses four Lifelong principles. These principles were identified through neighborhood surveys, a walking tour, and a workshop along with input from IPNA Board and neighbor meetings. The plan addresses housing, mobility/accessibility, services/information, and social engagement. For each principle, the plan describes existing conditions and identifies goals and policies that will guide the development of the Lifelong projects the neighborhood undertakes.
Inman Park’s plan is posted on the IP website for neighbor’s to review and a formal presentation will occur at the June 21st IPNA meeting. First is Lifelong IP Report , Lifelong Inman Park Appendix and Lifelong IP Inplementation.
This plan was developed by TSW in collaboration with the Lifelong Inman Park Committee. Funding was provided by the office of Atlanta City Council District 2, Kwanza Hall, and IPNA.
By Cathie Berger ([email protected])
Thank you, Cathie! And everyone who has been working on this draft plan.