Art on the Beltline
Streets Alive is on Sunday, June 9, 2019, 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm. It's over 8.8 miles long and include the closure of Dekalb Ave. It's a great day to walk on streets we normally drive. Put on your walking shoes, jump on your bike or bring your skateboard and enjoy pedestrian friendly streets. For those in cars please be patient. MARTA has a revised bus schedule for the day. Read it here. Click here for a large map of the route.
Regan Hammond gave updates on Renew Atlanta and the plans for 3 upcoming projects: Euclid and Edgewood, Krog St and Lake Ave and N. Highland from Alaska to Elizabeth St. Full plan details will be available at
Little 5 Pts Halloween Parade Permit approved. parade will be on October 21, 2017.
Anna Foote from the Atlanta Commercial Improvement District came to discuss Findley Plaza and Bass Fields. Residents strongly voiced their desire to maintain Bass Fields as green space where kids can play instead of developing the land into a parking deck or other structure. IPNA Pres Neil Kinkopf expressed the IPNA's desire to have a neighborhood rep become part of the the CID's process.
IPNA is stepping up so that you can step out with confidence. You probably have noticed the new sidewalks improving streetscapes throughout Inman Park due to the dedication of our Sidewalk Committee. Thanks to increased IPNA budget allocations and Festival Beer tips, approximately 60K will be spent replace crumbling neighborhood sidewalks during 2017.
The Inman Park Sidewalk Committee was formed in late 2001 to salvage our deteriorating sidewalks by offering subsidies to Inman Park neighbors since the City of Atlanta requires homeowners to maintain their own sidewalks. To date, this committee has managed replacement of over 150 individual sidewalks and five community sidewalks throughout the neighborhood. This year the Sidewalk committee, with support from the Lifelong Inman Park committee, has carefully crafted a three-year implementation plan that addresses:
The first year of the plan (2017) subsidizes two groups of homeowners:
A). Individual homeowner applicants to the IPNA Subsidy Program. The standard subsidy is 50%, but two (2) contiguous neighbors receive a 55% subsidy, and three (3) or more contiguous neighbors receive a 60% subsidy. The application process for the IPNA Subsidy Program is explained below. Eight (8) applicants are moving forward with replacement during 2017.
During the presentations on September 21, 2016 at the Trolley Barn, the only thing which became clear was that the issues under discussion reside on three different levels. Those levels need to be separated and understood in order to make informed decisions and votes. Look at the Site Plan.
Two options for the Streetcar/Light rail solution will be presented to the Federal Government to get major funding and have already been selected.
Option A: the Streetcar/Light rail will run in its own right of way which is principally next to and part of the Beltline pathway and go straight South, underneath Dekalb and the Yard.
Last month over 50 neighbors turned out for the inaugural Walkable Inman Park Neighbors' Stroll. Young and old, moms and dads, kids and dogs enjoyed a brisk 40-minute walk. This newest Inman Park event is a terrific way to catch up with friends and meet new folks all while pumping your legs and promoting good health.
Join us for this month's Stroll Saturday July 23rd, 8:00 a.m., starting in Poplar Circle. Stroll leaders Ro and Cristy will set a vigorous pace as we explore a new set of neighborhood streets. Meet neighbors and perhaps make discoveries along the way. Enjoy coffee, carbs, and conversation after the Stroll.
Don't forget to wear your Walkable Inman Park T-shirt. If you haven't yet purchased a shirt, a limited number will be available at the Stroll for $20. All monies help fund the Inman Park Sidewalk Subsidy program dedicated to improving neighborhood walkability.