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City Zoning Proposed Quick Fixes

Z-17-93 or the “Quick Fixes, Phase 1” of the Zoning Ordinance will be added to all NPU agendas for December 2017 and January 2018. To ensure those NPUs not meeting in December or January have an opportunity to review, the earliest ZRB hearing date would be in February 2018. To read about the proposed zoning changes click here. 

To read more about zoning in the City of Atlanta go to . 

October 2016 NPU-N Update

October 2016 NPU-N Update

By Rick Bizot Ÿ NPU-N Representative for IPNA Ÿ [email protected]

Notes from the September 22, 2016 meeting: Download the PDF


Police Department: Capt. Gorley reinforced that it is good when citizens notify police of suspicious items or activity. MARTA police Sgt. Davis mentioned their “See and Say” app for smartphones.

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