Art on the Beltline
The link to purchase tickets can be found on the BeltLine Wine Stroll Facebook page -- Buy your tickets soon! The Wine Stroll benefits the Inman Park Security Patrol and Springvale Park, generally sells out quickly.
Participating venues include: Barcelona, Fritti, Ladybird, Hampton & Hudson, Bread & Butterfly, Bill Hallman, Made Again, City Issue, Amara, Serpas, Two Urban Licks, The Albert, Parish, King of Pops (the window location on Elizabeth and Bernina), The Atlanta Bicylce Barn (formerly BeltLine Bicycles), The Collective, The IceBox, and the VIP location, VinoTeca.
To this point, much of our deliberation over the proposal for this site has centered on whether the development would preserve or inhibit the potential future placement of transit along the Beltline path. I am pleased to report that our goal of preserving the possibility of keeping trail and transit together has been achieved (more on this below). The zoning aspects of the project remain and will require the neighborhood to vote at our meeting on Wednesday.
This is a lengthy post, so I have divided it into three parts. The first section describes the issues we will be voting on Wednesday. We are asked whether the proposal is sufficiently beneficial to the neighborhood that we should support the developer’s request to deviate in two ways from applicable regulations. First, the proposal would exceed the applicable height limit. Second, the density of the residential component of the development exceeds the applicable limit. The second section lays out the compromise to resolve the Beltline transit issue. The third section responds to some questions that have been raised regarding the process the IPNA board has followed.
The developer asks the neighborhood’s support for its requested height variance. Our historic preservation regulations contemplate that variances up to a certain height can be granted (though they need not be). The proposal’s height is within the limit that we may (but, again, need not) permit.
During the presentations on September 21, 2016 at the Trolley Barn, the only thing which became clear was that the issues under discussion reside on three different levels. Those levels need to be separated and understood in order to make informed decisions and votes. Look at the Site Plan.
Two options for the Streetcar/Light rail solution will be presented to the Federal Government to get major funding and have already been selected.
Option A: the Streetcar/Light rail will run in its own right of way which is principally next to and part of the Beltline pathway and go straight South, underneath Dekalb and the Yard.