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2023 IPNA Board Nominations

We are excited to announce the nominations for IPNA's 2023 Board. Thank you to everyone who reached out. It's so important to get involved and help lead our neighborhood association. We thank the candidates for their time, dedication and love for our neighborhood. 

President-Elect, Kila Posey

Kila is wife to Jason and mother to three girls Karsyn, Parker & Dylan. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education and Psychology  & Teacher Certification from the University of Illinois, a Masters of Arts degree in Adult Learning and Curriculum Instruction from Central Michigan University, K-12 Gifted Endorsement Certification, and an Education Specialist degree in Leadership & Administration from Central Michigan University.  With over two decades of experience in education she has taught and served in administrative roles in the various school districts of Fulton, Cobb & APS and currently owns and operates her own small business.  As well has been a part of PTA boards, district committees, and GO Teams.  Additionally, being active in the Inman Park neighborhood is in her DNA.  Currently, Kila serves as the IP Festival Chair 2023-24, and HOA President for the Inman Station Townhomes.  Previously Kila held the position as the Sales and Merchandise for IP Festival.  Kila’s strengths are being a creative thinker, problem solver, technology savvy, effective long-range planner, and the ability to communicate with a diverse population. She enjoys working and engaging with neighbors, community, and local and state government officials to make initiatives happen for all.  In her free time, she enjoys planning events, traveling, watching sports and cooking!

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Krog Street Tunnel Phase II

On November 15th, 2022 the City Department of Watershed Management held a community meeting for Phase II of the Krog Street Tunnel Stormwater Project. 

The purpose of this project is to replace and upsize the existing storm drain system to mitigate flooding in the Krog Street Tunnel during rain events.

Notes from the meeting - Download PDF

Filming Notice - 168 Degrees

Title of production: FreshFly - Jardiance
Production company name: FreshFly
Production type: Commercial / Advertising
Production Short synopsis: Commercial shoot for Jardiance - Portrays talent in lifestyle situations that they are able to enjoy due to use of Jardiance
Location Name: 178 Degress Ave NE
Shoot start: 11/16/2022 07:00 AM

Parking lane in southbound lane of Degress Ave NE, between Alta Ave & DeKalb Abe will be blocked.

Notification Letter
Traffic Control Plan

Jan 2022 IPNA Meeting Agenda

Zoom Link for IPNA Meeting, Wednesday, Jan 17, 2022


IPNA Jan Board Agenda

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Nov IPNA Meeting Agenda

October 20, 2021 IPNA meeting Agenda

Welcome/Introduction of newcomers

Police officers’ report

Minutes of last meeting

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Revised Tree Ordinance Discussion

We will be voting on whether or not to support the revised Tree Ordinance at Wednesday's IPNA meeting.

Jim Abbot has written a very thorough summary of why Tree Watch supports the revised ordinance on the Tree Watch page. Please read the summary before the meeting so that you can come prepared to discuss or ask questions. Jim will be joining us to address any questions or concerns. Here’s the link:

Beltline Presentation from IPNA Meeting

I have attached the presentation from this evening as well as a one page pdf of the previous future land use map. Both complete plans can be found at When you click on that link you will see the original plans. To provide feedback and see the draft plan updates, click on the green box that says “Provide Feedback”. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!


Nathan Soldat, AICP
Community Engagement Manager
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.
Office: 404.477.3552 // Fax: 404.477.3006 // [email protected] //

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Rename the Joel Award

Reimagining the Joel Award

During the June IPNA meeting we discussed the renaming of our neighborhood community service award. As you may know, the award was created in the mid-1970s by Robert Griggs, the founder of Inman Park Restoration, as a way for young, pioneering neighbors to recognize one another’s efforts in revitalizing our long-neglected neighborhood. The award became known as the Joel Award in recognition of Joel Hurt, the surveyor and developer of Inman Park.

As awareness has grown in recent years about Joel Hurt and his history of using and abusing convict labor, his name has become uncomfortable for many. (For reference, see Slavery by Another Name by Douglas Blackmon.) Clearly, Joel Hurt doesn’t represent the values of 21st century Inman Park. It is time for us to select a new name for the award.

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Fourth of July Picnic - cancelled

We regret to inform everyone that due to COVID-19, we will not be having our 4th of July Picnic. We hope to see all of you next year!

June 2020 IPNA Meeting Agenda

NOTE: The actual meeting invitation will arrive by email Wednesday afternoon and members can click on the link included and then enter the password given in order to join the meeting. 


Introduction of newcomers

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Instructions for April 15 IPNA Meeting

Dear IPNA Members:


Our April 15 IPNA meeting will be held on Zoom. This will be the first ever virtual IPNA Business Meeting, so please bear with us as we figure things out.

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Safe Ideas for Celebrating Festival Weekend

Fellow Inman Parkers -
We are so sad that we will not have Festival this year, but we've come up with some ideas to help keep the spirit of Festival and Inman Park alive! Please follow all government regulations, and let's show our spirit on Festival weekend, April 24-26! This year, we're calling it 2020 Inman Park UNFestival & Tour AT Home. 
Here are the fun, and safe, activities we came up with to show our neighborhood pride:
1. Color butterflies and hang them in your windows (Butterfly coloring patterns attached at bottom of page, compliments of Cooper Pierce)
2. Fly your butterfly banners and flags
3. Use chalk to decorate sidewalks with butterflies, positive messages, and obstacle courses (hopscotch diagram, wavy lines for walking funny, skinny lines for walking heel to toe in a straight line, start and finish lines for short runs)
4. Decorate your car for an UNparade - have it decorated by 2pm Saturday 4/25 for the UNparade start. To be clear - we are not having an actual parade. This would be for people to enjoy as they're strolling around the neighborhood.
5. Last, but definitely not least! On 2pm, Saturday 4/25, we invite you to join us on your porch to make the loudest hoot & hollering you can make! Just like we've been doing for healthcare professionals in the evenings, let's show support for our neighborhood as well! Bang on pots & pans, yell, cheer, clap, celebrate!
6. Coming Soon - UNfestival t-shirts and posters will soon be available for online purchase. Make sure to follow the Inman Park Festival Facebook page for further instructions.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
Maintain the 6' rule, stay safe and wash your hands!
Inman Park Festival Committee 2020

Procedure for Upcoming April 15 IPNA Meeting

Dear IPNA Members:
It’s important that we continue to communicate and to carry on as best we can during our time of physical separation. To that end, the April 15 IPNA Business Meeting will take place on Zoom. 
If you want to attend the meeting, and we hope you do, please familiarize yourself with Zoom if you haven’t already had experience with it. You do not have to have a Zoom account in order to attend the meeting. To join the meeting, you will be prompted to download the software once you have clicked on the link that IPNA will provide. You will also be given a password to log into the meeting.
Phone numbers will be provided, giving an opportunity to call in by phone to listen to the meeting, but people who call in instead of using the app or the Zoom site will not be able to make motions, second motions, or vote. We will be voting on our slate of nominees for upcoming officer vacancies and on a few other agenda items. Please watch for more detailed instructions on how to join the meeting and participate, and also be on the lookout for the meeting agenda.
Here’s a link to the Zoom site where you can join now if you want to familiarize yourself. Basic membership is free. 
Everyone take care, and we look forward to resuming in-person meetings as soon as possible!

Announcement Regarding Suspension of March IPNA Meeting

One thing is for sure: Social distancing is totally contrary to the nature of IPNA.

However, in order to help slow the spread of COVID-19, IPNA is suspending our March Business Meeting.

Based on a directive received Friday from the City, all NPUs are working to clear their March agendas in order to avoid meeting. NPU-N has asked its member organizations to reach out to their applicants and request deferrals. As a result, we have no zoning applications that need to be voted on this month, and there are also no historic preservation applications.

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COVID-19 Contingency Plans


At our IPNA Board meeting on Tuesday, we put into place the following COVID-19 contingency plans:

1)     Next week's IPNA meeting on Wednesday, March 18, will be streamed on Facebook Live. Please join us virtually if you are ill, have been around anyone who is ill, or have decided to forego attending public events at this time. Watch for further instructions on how to join us online if you so choose. The board has decided that although our bylaws do not permit absentee voting, we will make an exception in the interest of helping prevent the spread of the virus. For the March 18 meeting, the following absentee voting rules will be in place:

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APS Meeting to Address Overcrowding in the Grady Cluster

Here is a link to the slides for the upcoming APS meeting to address overcrowding in the Grady cluster to be held at Inman Middle School on February 25, 2020 at 6 pm.

March 6 Information Session offered by Lifelong Inman Park

A Discussion on the state of Georgia’s Senior Care Facilities

A follow-up on the AJC’s investigative report series “Unprotected”.  The program will look at the issues raised, proposed legislative responses and the on-going need for a collaborative consumer driven response to ensure quality care for all of Georgia’s residents living in assisted living and personal care communities.

March 6th at 10:00 am

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Dekalb Ave Complete Street Open House

Elvis' Birthday Party, January 8, in L5P

Elvis’ Birthday Party in L5P is happening January 8, Weird Wednesday.  We have 3 Elvis impersonators that will be walking around, starting at 4 pm. There will be pizza with Elvis at 5:30 at Cameli's and 6:30 at Savage. At 8 pm the Corner Tavern is having Elvis Karaoke, peanut butter/bacon/banana sandwich special, and a birthday cake.  Please support L5P with your attendance!

Beltline Subarea 5 Masterplan

The Beltline team came to the last IPNA meeting and made a presentation about the Beltline Subarea 5 Masterplan and where they currently are in the process.  This was just an announcement for the neighborhoods that make up this particular Subarea. They are still seeking public comment on the draft document which lives on their website at All meeting materials are up to date on the website at