Freedom Park Conservancy Announces SWA Group as Master Planner for Freedom Park:
World renowned firm selected for its visionary ideas
Freedom Park Conservancy Announces SWA Group as Master Planner for Freedom Park:
World renowned firm selected for its visionary ideas
Mark Your Calendars!
How can we ensure that our environment supports and encourages healthy lifestyles? What benefits can parks and park access have for public health? Dee Merriam, a nationally recognized expert, will provide answers to these questions and to any question you may have. Join your neighbors at the Trolley Barn on September 14th at 7:00 for dessert and coffee followed by Ms. Merriam’s presentation at 7:30. This event is sponsored by Tree Watch and Lifelong Inman Park.
During the presentations on September 21, 2016 at the Trolley Barn, the only thing which became clear was that the issues under discussion reside on three different levels. Those levels need to be separated and understood in order to make informed decisions and votes. Look at the Site Plan.
Two options for the Streetcar/Light rail solution will be presented to the Federal Government to get major funding and have already been selected.
Option A: the Streetcar/Light rail will run in its own right of way which is principally next to and part of the Beltline pathway and go straight South, underneath Dekalb and the Yard.