Little Five Points Alliance is asking for IPNA's support for a new traffic light on Moreland Ave. by Bass Field. Please read the letter. We will vote at the April meeting.
April 17, 2023
At the kick-off party in February, the total group of members (typically around 120-140) is divided into smaller groups of 12 up to 14 people each. These smaller groups meet for five dinners over the course of the year, which comes down to about once every two months. The host decides on the menu and everyone brings a dish. Not everybody has to host and you can also team up with another group member to host.
We are celebrating our 16th annual Inman Diners kick-off event on Saturday, Feb. 11, 2023 at 7:00pm at the Mebius' home at 860 Euclid Avenue. Please register to join.
SPARK Principal Dr. Jennifer Toney has invited Inman Park Families to come and meet and tour the campus. Meet SPARK Principal Dr. Jennifer Toney and tour the campus. The upcoming meet and tours for Inman Park families are scheduled for:
In addition, Principal Dr. Jennifer Toney will be holding town halls to engage with the community in the upcoming weeks. The zoom info can be found at The upcoming town halls are scheduled for:
On November 15 at 7 pm, the Little 5 Points Alliance will be holding our Annual Meeting at the Little 5 Points Center for Arts and Community to introduce new board members as well as share what we’ve been working on in 2022 and what we hope to accomplish in 2023.
What: L5P Alliance Annual Meeting
When: November 15 at 7 pm
Where: Little 5 Points Center for Arts & Community, Dooley Suite
Why: To meet new board members, hear what we've accomplished in 2022, and discuss what's to come in 2023.
Atlanta Police Department – Zone 6 is coordinating their annual toy drive. Please see attached flyer for details about the types of toys needed and where to drop them off.
Hello Inman Park Neighbors:
At the October 20th IPNA meeting, we will be discussing and voting on the proposed MR-MU Zoning. There have been a number of changes to the legislation and I have attached an update on the process and a breakdown of the significant changes. I am attaching a revised presentation that incorporates these changes as well as the ordinance that clearly shows the changes to the ordinance from last month and today.
In an effort to keep the meeting from running too long, I recommend that everyone read the breakdown, the actual ordinance, review the presentation and formulate your questions. All questions will be typed into the chat feature and will be answered in order. We will then discuss each section of the changes and take a vote on each section. We will utilize the hand raise function for all discussion. Each person will have 2 minutes to provide feedback.
Hello neighbors:
As many of you may know, the City of Atlanta’s Department of Planning along with Councilman Amir Farokhi, have introduced three pieces of legislation and of those three, two are “text amendments” to the existing zoning code that propose rezoning properties located within a half mile of the MARTA from residential (R-4, R4-A, and R-5) to MR-MU (Mixed Residential-Multi-Family). This is proposed across the city and for the last two months, there has been discussions at the NPU’s and in the neighborhoods regarding what the impact of these text amendments will be on our neighborhoods. The original proposed text amendments have been revised and the documents attached represent those changes. Attached is the revised legislation, the map for the Inman Park properties that will be impacted, as well as a very user-friendly fact sheet that outlines the changes and why the city feels these changes are important.
VP of Security: Tom Baldwin
Hello Inman Park Neighbors. I am honored to have been nominated for the position of VP of Public Safety. Inman Park has been my home for over 23 years, living the entire time on Waddell St. I am excited about contributing once again to this neighborhood I love. I've been active in the past with Festival (I was "Beer General" years ago) and I've also been active with outreach efforts at our neighborhood church, Inman Park United Methodist. This is my first time serving IPNA as a board member and Public Safety is the one I've had in mind should the time be right and the opportunity there. It looks like that time is now. I might even pull in my college age kids (22 and 20) to help out from time to time. I look forward to serving this great neighborhood.
COVID-19 TEMPORARY SERVICE UPDATE. Beginning the week of Sunday, February 14, 2021, the Department of Public Works, Office of Solid Waste Services, will begin to alternate the weeks of collection services for yard trimmings and recycling materials. For the next 90 days: Starting Monday, February 15, 2021: The second and fourth week of every month, garbage and recycling materials will be collected. Starting Monday, February 22, 2021: The first and third week of every month, garbage and yard trimmings will be collected. For more information, visit
David Shorter
The City of Atlanta is revising it's pre-arrest diversion program and contemplating ways it can set up a system through 311 that could deploy resources/counselors/trained interventions to individuals who are more likely be experiencing a mental health situation or suffering from effects of poverty or addiction. There is a survey that anyone who lives or works in Atlanta is invited to fill out.
Pre-arrest Diversion INFO:
In June, Atlanta City Council unanimously approved a substantial funding increase, which will allow PAD (Pre-Arrest Diversion) to expand citywide over the course of this fiscal year. Mayor Bottoms' recent Administrative Orders direct the city to establish a multi-year agreement with PAD, as well as to develop a plan to train all Atlanta Police Department officers to use diversion as an alternative to arrest. When an officer has already detained a person and can call our team instead, we provide an immediate alternative to charging and booking that individual through PAD LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion).
ARCHI is hosting a conversation with the heads of DeKalb and Fulton Boards of Health on Oct 7th-- they are giving a bit of a State of COVID address- what's working right now, what they need help with (especially targeted to community groups) and what they are worried about regarding upcoming winter and flu season. Anyone in the neighborhood would also be very welcome to join if they are interested in hearing from these women and if they have questions about what might lie ahead. Info is here: The State of COVID-19 in Atlanta - ARCHI Collaborative