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IPNA May 2018 Agenda

May's IPNA meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 16, 2018, at the Trolley Barn, 7:30 pm. 

This month we'll vote on new board members: 

 Beverly Miller to serve as President, Jonathan Miller to serve as Vice President for Zoning, Rick Bizot to serve as Vice President for Planning, and Jeff Oliver to serve as Treasurer.

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North Highland Corridor Drawings

At the April meeting Renew Atlanta discussed the improvements they plan to make to N. Highland. Below is the link to those renderings. 

Click here to see the drawings.

IPNA Bylaws and Summary of Revisions

The Bylaws will be moved to the Bylaws section of the website once they are voted on and approved by the neighborhood. 

IPNA Bylaws

Executive Summary of Revisions

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IPNA April 2018 Agenda

IPNA April 2018 Agenda

Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers

Police Officers’ Report

Minutes of Last Meeting

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IPNA March Meeting Agenda

The IPNA meeting will be held March 21, 2018, at 7:30 pm at the Trolley Barn. Below is the meeting agenda. All Inman Park residents and business owners are welcome. On the agenda are plans for the Jenkins Metal site and a liquor license for "The Watchman" coming to Krog Street Market. We'll also get an update on DeKalb Ave from our Transportation Committee. 


IPNA March 2018 Agenda

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Villa de Grip IPNA Meeting Format

The IPNA board has adopted the following procedures to facilitate an orderly consideration of the
application to rezone the parcels at 320 N. Highland (Villa de Grip) at the upcoming monthly meeting.
1. The applicant will present their proposal (15 minutes)
2. The IPNA Working Group will present their recommendation (5 minutes)
3. Question and answer period (20 minutes total)
 Residents will be able to ask questions of the applicant or the IPNA working group.
Questions should be actual questions rather than commentary in the form of a question
(as you will note, there is a separate period below for commentary). Questions will be
limited to 30 seconds and answers will be limited to 1 minute.

4. Comments (20 minutes total)
Residents may line up to make comments on the proposal in light of the presentations
and question-and-answers. Each comment will be limited to 1 minute.

5. Vote

IPNA February 2018 Agenda

This month we'll vote on Villa de Grip's rezoning plan. The working group who has been working on the plan with the developers have determined they cannot support the application for rezoning in it's current form. The Villa de Grip site is currently a buffer for residential into the commercial district of the neighborhood. The group feels the project, which will have no residential at all, is too commercially dense and intensive.  The developers want a density that is more than 4 times what is currently allowed. A letter was sent to the developer from IP President Neil Kinkopf citing specific concerns. The letter can be read here in it's entirety.  The format for the Villa de Grip portion of the meeting can be read here. 

Also on the Agenda, we'll update on the Moreland Corridor Report, announce the nominating committee for the board and vote on Ro Lawson for board Secretary. 


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IPNA January 218 Meeting Agenda

This month's IPNA meeting will be a very important one, though not for the reason most of us would have anticipated.  We will NOT be voting on the application to rezone the Villa de Grip parcels from residential to commercial.  We will, however, be hearing from Scott Ball and Jeff Rader who have been working on a 10-year update to the report on the Moreland Avenue Corridor component of the Livable Centers Initiative.  That's a whole lot of jargon.  The update and report would serve as a plan for the Moreland Ave. corridor, which includes not only traffic and safety management along Moreland Ave. (which are critical in and of themselves) but also planning for development and zoning of parcels within the corridor, such as Bass Field.  A draft of the report can be found  here.
If possible, please plan to attend and participate in this important discussion. 
We will also vote on Ro Lawson as Board Secretary, Vote on 802 Lake Ave.- Type III COA for additions to basement of home and a change of agent liquor license for Kimmie's Bistro. 

IPNA January 2018 Agenda


Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers

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IPNA January Meeting Agenda

IPNA January 2018 Agenda
Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers
Police Officers’ Report
Minutes of Last Meeting
Elected Officials’ Reports 
IPNA Officers’ Reports
- Vote on Nomination of Ro Lawson as Board Secretary
- Nominations Committee
Historic Preservation
802 Lake Ave.- Type III COA for additions to basement of home. 
Presentation by Little Five Points CID on the Liveable Centers Initiative for the Moreland Ave. Corridor (including Bass Field)
Public Safety
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business

IPNA December Meeting Agenda

The agenda for the IPNA meeting next week is attached and copied below.  

Meeting is Wednesday, December 20, 2017, 7:30 pm at the Trolley Barn. 

IPNA December 2017 Agenda
1. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers
2. Police Officers’ Report 
3. Minutes of Last Meeting
4. Elected Officials’ Reports
5. Announcements
6.  IPNA Officers’ Reports
A. President
B. Planning
Report of Regan Hammond of Renew Atlanta on progress of transportation projects in Inman Park funded by the Renew Atlanta bond (especially the intersection of Euclid and Edgewood Aves.)
C. Zoning
Shell Station on Moreland Ave – Distance Exemption to allow sale of alcohol as a package store (owner seeking support from IPNA to persuade City Council representative to introduce legislation)
900 DeKalb Ave. – Liquor license application 
Presentation of plans for 320 N. Highland/242 Copenhill (Villa de Grip) Re-zoning Application (this is presentation and discussion only; there will not be a vote at this meeting)
D. Historic Preservation
957 Austin Ave.- Type III CA for a lot consolidation.
802 Lake Ave.- Type III CA for renovations/additions to existing home.
E. Public Safety
F. Communications
G. Treasurer
H. Secretary
7. Committee Reports
8. Old Business
9. New Business
10. Adjourn

IPNA November Agenda

  1. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers

  2. Police Officers’ Report

  3. Minutes of Last Meeting

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IPNA October 2017 Meeting Summary

Inman Park Meeting October 2017


Officer’s Report

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IPNA October 2017 Meeting Agenda

IPNA October 2017 Agenda

  1. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers

  2. Police Officers’ Report

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IPNA September 2017 Meeting Summary

IPNA September Meeting Summary



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IPNA September 2017 Meeting Agenda

IPNA September 2017 Agenda


  1. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers
  2. Police Officers’ Report                                  
  3. Minutes of Last Meeting
  4. Announcements
  5. Elected Officials’ Reports
  6. IPNA Officers’ Reports


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August IPNA Meeting Summary

Here is a summary of last night's IPNA meeting at the Trolley Barn: 

Police Report: Police remind residents to call 9-1-1 first if there is an issue to report. Police say they notice a reduction in crime in the neighborhood. They say that robbery clean-up rates are in the 30% which is above the national average. 

Vagrancy and drug use in Little Five Points was discussed. Police say they continue to work on the issue.

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IPNA August Meeting Agenda

IPNA August 2017 Agenda

  1. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers

  2. Police Officers’ Report

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July IPNA Meeting Highlights

Regan Hammond gave updates on Renew Atlanta and the plans for 3 upcoming projects: Euclid and Edgewood, Krog St and Lake Ave and N. Highland from Alaska to Elizabeth St. Full plan details will be available at

Little 5 Pts Halloween Parade Permit approved. parade will be on October 21, 2017. 

Anna Foote from the Atlanta Commercial Improvement District came to discuss Findley Plaza and Bass Fields. Residents strongly voiced their desire to maintain Bass Fields as green space where kids can play instead of developing the land into a parking deck or other structure. IPNA Pres Neil Kinkopf expressed the IPNA's desire to have a neighborhood rep become part of the the CID's process. 

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July IPNA Meeting Agenda


IPNA July 2017 Agenda

1. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers

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Filming in Inman Park

The art of Filming in Inman Park

Karen Goeckel, Special Events Chair 

I’ve heard stories about a circus that would come to town, setting up in the property that is now Inman Inman Village on Lake Ave (long before the Mead plant stood on the same grounds) while it’s performers and various other hired hands would enjoy the hospitality of nearby residents. –So it is fitting that even now Inman Park is still a place that entices and welcomes “show-folk!”

As Georgia’s film and television industry grew by $1 billion in 2016, generating $7 billion in revenue with 245 feature films and TV shows shot in Georgia. Our beloved “small town downtown” has contributed to the $2.02 billion in direct spending in the state, helping the film industry create a home in Georgia that Governor Deal and Mayor Reed are committed nurture, creating jobs and economic opportunities.

Inman Park has always caught the eye of shrewd location scouts and is a popular on-camera location for motion picture and television filming for many reasons: diverse commercial spaces, historical homes, attractively maintained parks and its proximity to the city. A world can easily be created to resemble 1901 again just as easily as it could reflect modern life, which is why some of the productions filmed in our neighborhood have included Jumanji, Baby Driver, Neighbors 2, Being Mary Jane, What to Expect When You Are Expecting, Zombieland, Hangman, MacGyver, Star, Sleepy Hollow, The Originals, Fast and Furious 7, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Kill the Messenger and many, many commercials and music videos.

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