Moreland Corridor Report

To view, the report click here. 

Homelessness in Atlanta

Due to expressed interest following the January program on Homelessness in Atlanta, Lifelong Inman Park is offering a follow-up program to focus on two intown agencies offering services and support to Atlanta’s homeless and hungry. We hope you can join us to learn more about how neighborhood churches and others are working collaboratively to offer outreach and help. Additionally, we can learn about opportunities to assist in these efforts. 
DATE: Friday, March 2. 10:00 to 11:30 am. Inman Park Methodist Church
Brad Schweres, Executive Director Intown Collaborative Ministries 
Tony Johns, Executive Director Crossroads Community Ministries”

Inman Park Social

Join us at the Trolley Barn, Sunday, February 25, 2018 from 4:00pm to 7:00 pm for the Inman Park Social. Food will be available  for purchase from the Good Food Truck. Free beer, wine and soft drinks will be provided by the IPNA. The Inman Park Festival volunteer committee will be on hand to answer all your questions and give you more information about volunteer opportunities. The Inman Park Festival is one of the oldest volunteer run festivals in the city. Shifts include house sitting for the tour of homes, trash pickup with the best crew around, beer truck shift, and working the stages with the bands. To sign-up for a shift click here

Inman Park Neighborhood Association Committees will also be on hand to discuss the volunteer work they do to keep the neighborhood running. 

Come out and eat some food, drink some beer and chat with your neighbors! We'll see you there! You can RSVP to the event on our Facebook  page

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IPNA January 218 Meeting Agenda

This month's IPNA meeting will be a very important one, though not for the reason most of us would have anticipated.  We will NOT be voting on the application to rezone the Villa de Grip parcels from residential to commercial.  We will, however, be hearing from Scott Ball and Jeff Rader who have been working on a 10-year update to the report on the Moreland Avenue Corridor component of the Livable Centers Initiative.  That's a whole lot of jargon.  The update and report would serve as a plan for the Moreland Ave. corridor, which includes not only traffic and safety management along Moreland Ave. (which are critical in and of themselves) but also planning for development and zoning of parcels within the corridor, such as Bass Field.  A draft of the report can be found  here.
If possible, please plan to attend and participate in this important discussion. 
We will also vote on Ro Lawson as Board Secretary, Vote on 802 Lake Ave.- Type III COA for additions to basement of home and a change of agent liquor license for Kimmie's Bistro. 

IPNA January 2018 Agenda


Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers

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IPNA January Meeting Agenda

IPNA January 2018 Agenda
Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers
Police Officers’ Report
Minutes of Last Meeting
Elected Officials’ Reports 
IPNA Officers’ Reports
- Vote on Nomination of Ro Lawson as Board Secretary
- Nominations Committee
Historic Preservation
802 Lake Ave.- Type III COA for additions to basement of home. 
Presentation by Little Five Points CID on the Liveable Centers Initiative for the Moreland Ave. Corridor (including Bass Field)
Public Safety
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business

Renew Atlanta Dec Update

Regan Hammond from Renew Atlanta came to our meeting Wednesday night to give an update on the three projects they've targeted. You can see the slides here

Here’s some bullets on where we stand with the 3 projects:

  • Edgewood @ Euclid – We have received traffic and turning moving counts for the intersection and will be adjusting the design a bit based on those.  Those counts will help us determine whether or not the left turn lane from Edgewood to Euclid is needed.  If it is needed, the counts will also tell us how long it needs to be.  The Cycle Atlanta Study recommended no left turn lane, so we needed to do this extra analysis to align our design with that plan’s recommendations.  We are going make some small adjustments to the new crosswalk/ped refuge island design and how we accommodate bikes traveling from Euclid to the Edgewood westbound bike lane.  We also updated the cost estimate to reflect the latest unit cost for hex pavers.
  • Irwin @ Krog – The Dept. of Public Works is replacing the crumbled sidewalk on the south side of Irwin between the Beltline and Krog.  Demo of the old sidewalk is starting this week and reconstruction will begin right after the new year.  They will also upgrade all of the ped ramps at the intersection to be ADA compliant.  The Renew Atlanta funding will be used to mill, repave, and restripe Irwin between Waddell and Auburn after the sidewalk/ramp work is complete.  The cost estimate has been updated to reflect this.
  • N. Highland – We received 2 draft concept options for traffic calming, ped crossing, and traffic control at the ped crossing from our study consultant.  I’ve included those drafts in this presentation, but we do not yet have cost estimates.  These concept options are being reviewed internally and will be slightly tweaked a bit before being brought to the public in late January/early February for comment.  We’ll then select the preferred concept and finalize design by late February/early March.  This particular improvement has additional funding (Impact Fee - $100k) to supplement the Renew funding for construction.

City Zoning Proposed Quick Fixes

Z-17-93 or the “Quick Fixes, Phase 1” of the Zoning Ordinance will be added to all NPU agendas for December 2017 and January 2018. To ensure those NPUs not meeting in December or January have an opportunity to review, the earliest ZRB hearing date would be in February 2018. To read about the proposed zoning changes click here. 

To read more about zoning in the City of Atlanta go to . 

IPNA December Meeting Agenda

The agenda for the IPNA meeting next week is attached and copied below.  

Meeting is Wednesday, December 20, 2017, 7:30 pm at the Trolley Barn. 

IPNA December 2017 Agenda
1. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers
2. Police Officers’ Report 
3. Minutes of Last Meeting
4. Elected Officials’ Reports
5. Announcements
6.  IPNA Officers’ Reports
A. President
B. Planning
Report of Regan Hammond of Renew Atlanta on progress of transportation projects in Inman Park funded by the Renew Atlanta bond (especially the intersection of Euclid and Edgewood Aves.)
C. Zoning
Shell Station on Moreland Ave – Distance Exemption to allow sale of alcohol as a package store (owner seeking support from IPNA to persuade City Council representative to introduce legislation)
900 DeKalb Ave. – Liquor license application 
Presentation of plans for 320 N. Highland/242 Copenhill (Villa de Grip) Re-zoning Application (this is presentation and discussion only; there will not be a vote at this meeting)
D. Historic Preservation
957 Austin Ave.- Type III CA for a lot consolidation.
802 Lake Ave.- Type III CA for renovations/additions to existing home.
E. Public Safety
F. Communications
G. Treasurer
H. Secretary
7. Committee Reports
8. Old Business
9. New Business
10. Adjourn

Homelessness: Atlanta's Approach

Homelessness:  Atlanta’s Approach.  What works and what does not.

January 4th.  10:00 AM.   Inman Park Church.

 Atlanta’s chronic Homeless population has dropped 61% since 2013, however, there remains over 3,500 men, women, and children in need of permanent shelter (with 700 of those still on the street) according to Partners for HOMES. Come be part of the discussion and learn how the City of Atlanta and the United Way funding of 50 million dollars is an opportunity to end chronic homelessness and make the state of being homeless rare and brief.

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Neighborhood Meeting-Jenkins Metal

The developers of the Jenkins Metals site, Thrive Homes, has scheduled a meeting for the neighborhood to learn of and discuss its plans.  Their email to IPNA reads, "Thrive would like to invite Inman Park neighbors to an informational meeting to begin a discussion about Thrive’s vision for the Jenkins Steel property and get everyone’s feedback and concerns."   
The meeting will be at Little 5 Points Community Center on Monday November 13th at 6:30pm. 
This site is crucially important.  Its proximity to the Beltline means that what gets developed there will influence how we all experience that vital feature of our neighborhood.  The site also occupies a defining piece of geography.  It defines the transition from the denser mixed commercial/residential developments that exist along the Beltline corridor (Krog Street Market, the Alexan, etc.) to the quieter and less dense residential areas.  What ends up being built here will have a significant impact on the character of our neighborhood.  If you can, please plan to attend the meeting.

IPNA November Agenda

  1. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers

  2. Police Officers’ Report

  3. Minutes of Last Meeting

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Woman Robbed at Gunpoint

Last Wednesday, Oct 25, around 8:30-9pm, a woman was robbed at gunpoint near the corner of Elizabeth St and Euclid Ave.  After getting a ride to her car and while opening her car door, a black sedan pulled up beside and slightly behind her.  The victim reported that she felt a tug on her purse and turned to see a black male pointing a black pistol at her.  He said nothing and then grabbed her bag and got into the sedan, which made a U-turn and headed east on Euclid Ave.
APD officers and a robbery Investigator responded to the scene.
The suspect with the gun was described as male, light-skinned, 5’9 or 5’10, in his twenties wearing a fur hat and black clothing.  
This information was provided by Sgt Tom Soukup who is part of the APD Critical Incident Training Unit and the Supervisor of our Inman Park Security Patrol.  
If I find out any additional information, I will post as I am able.  If anyone in that area has cameras that show that end of Elizabeth, please check the video from last Wednesday and contact APD if you have something that could be helpful.
Please be careful out there.
Thom Abelew
VP of Public Safety
Inman Park

IPNA October 2017 Meeting Summary

Inman Park Meeting October 2017


Officer’s Report

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Going Away for Feig-Sandoval

Come celebrate Danny & Lori, and their immeasurable contributions to Inman Park before they head out to Colorado!

Trolley Barn, Thursday, November 2, 2017 from 6:00pm-9:00pm

BYOB and Gotta Have it Food Truck (cash, credit, til the food runs out)

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IPNA October 2017 Meeting Agenda

IPNA October 2017 Agenda

  1. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers

  2. Police Officers’ Report

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Parking Meters Proposed for Inman Park

The City of Atlanta’s Office of Transportation has informed the NPU that it intends to install parking meters along a number of commercial districts within Inman Park.  The Office has distributed a matrix that lists the impacted streets and a map showing some (but not all) of the locations where they plan to install meters.  The matrix and map are attached. 

At the last NPU meeting, the Office of Transportation’s representative emphasized that they do not intend to move forward without input from the neighborhood.  The Office will attend our next IPNA monthly meeting to present their proposal and to receive neighborhood comments.  If you have questions or concerns, please plan to attend the Meeting Wednesday October 18 at 7:30 at the Trolley Barn.

Click to see the map of parking meters.


Jenkins Metal Meeting Cancelled

Thrive Homes, the developers of the Jenkins Metals site, have decided to cancel the meeting that had been scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday, September 27) at the Trolley Barn.  I believe that they have come to understand that their initial site plan did not comply with our Historic District Regulations and they are now undertaking to redesign the project with these requirements in mind. The developers have not yet rescheduled the neighborhood meeting.  As soon as IPNA gets word on this, we will let the neighborhood know. 

IPNA September 2017 Meeting Summary

IPNA September Meeting Summary



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IPNA September 2017 Meeting Agenda

IPNA September 2017 Agenda


  1. Welcome & Introduction of Newcomers
  2. Police Officers’ Report                                  
  3. Minutes of Last Meeting
  4. Announcements
  5. Elected Officials’ Reports
  6. IPNA Officers’ Reports


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Inman Park Social

Join the Inman Park Neighborhood Association and it's 21 volunteer committees for our first ever Inman Park Social! We'll have food trucks, free beer and wine, live music and opportunities to get involved in your community.

Inman Park is a walkable neighborhood with historic homes, friendly neighbors, delicious food, locally owned retailers, and public art. Communities like ours don't happen organically.  They happen because hundreds of neighbors donate their time and talents to continually create and maintain Inman Park. Donate your time and talent to one of our committees. Commitments aren't a full time job. Donate what time you have and offer your expertise. 

Volunteering is also a great way to get to know your neighbors. Your home is in Inman Park, become part of your community. Inman Park is more than a location. 

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